Marines Magazine

The Official Magazine of the United States Marine Corps

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Official Department of Defense Units (Marine & Non-Marine): Send a letter, fax, or e-mail requesting an individual activity code. The letter must contain a complete mailing address, point of contact, phone number and number of copies required. Mail to: Marine Corps Production Directorate, 6700 Taylor Ave. Fort Meade, MD, 20755. Fax to: (301) 222-6730. E-mail to:

Personal/Civilian Subscriptions: Request your one-year subscription from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Personal subscriptions can be ordered by calling (888) 293-6498 or by visiting the online store at

Official government agencies, educational institutions or veterans service organizations: Send a letter, fax, or e-mail requesting an individual activity code. The letter must contain a complete mailing address, point of contact, phone number and number of copies required. Mail to: Marine Corps Production Directorate, 6700 Taylor Ave. Fort Meade, MD, 20755. Fax to: (301) 222-6730. E-mail to:


Marines is published seven times annually (quarterly, plus three special editions) by Marine Corps Production Directorate, 6700 Taylor Ave. Fort Meade, MD, 20755. The Secretary of the Navy has determined that this publication is necessary in the transaction of business, required by law, of the Department of the Navy. Funds for printing this publication have been approved by the Navy Publications and Printing Policy Committee. All photos not credited are official USMC photos.

Postmaster: Send change of address to:
Marine Corps Production Directorate, 6700 Taylor Ave. Fort Meade, MD, 20755 or e-mail to

DoD Disclaimer: This is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of Marines are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the DoD or the U.S. Marine Corps.

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