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News for the Argonne postdoctoral community
Spring Issue - April 02, 2012

Postdoc News

Argonne a "Best Place" for Postdocs

Argonne ranked as one of the top 10 institutions for postdocs to work at in the April issue of The Scientist magazine.

Women in Science

Program Coordinator Tina Henne (CEPA) has written an article on Women in Science, IGED and the work women postdocs are accomplishing at Argonne.

Open Forum with Dir. Isaacs

Argonne Director Eric Isaacs held an open forum with postdocs in February. Kuldeep Mistry (ES) reports on what was discussed

Postdoc investigates copper spin rates

Postdoc Sara Haravifard (XSD) is exploring the dizzying world of strontium copper borate and its spin rates. Read more »

How to sell research for industry

Job T. Rijssenbeek a senior chemist at GE Global Research provides insights on the "ins" and "outs" of industry. Read more »

Bernstein in Nature magazine

Postdoc Joseph Bernstein (CELS) was recently featured in Nature magazine on his postdoc experience. Read more »

CSI-SPU Meeting

Submissions are wanted for the next CSI - Special Postdoc Unit Meeting. The meeting is planned for Wed., April 25.

New Venture Challengers

Two postdocs, Aeraj Haque (ES), Director's Postdoctoral Fellow, and Prasanna Balaprakash (MCS), have made it to the second round in the New Venture Challenge Business competition.

Postdocs in the Community

Whether it’s moderating sessions at science bowls or judging local science fairs, postdocs have been keeping Argonne engaged in the community.

Awards and Accomplishments

Postdoc receives IBM — Löwdin Award
Maricris Mayes (ALCF) received the IBM-Löwdin Fellowship Award for postdoctoral researchers. 

Zamboni receives ALCC Award
Laura Zamboni (ALCF) is the first postdoc to receive the ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge Award as a principal investigator.

Lu recieves EERE Postdoc Research Award
Jun Lu (CSE) has been honored with an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Postdoctoral Research Award.

Congrats and Farewell

Several of our postdocs are moving on:
Ashutosh Mahajan (MCS) To be reclassified as Research and Development staff in MCS

Bhoopesh Mishra (BIO) Assistant Research Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology

Susanna Neuhold (CSE)  Relocated to Austria

Notes from the Coordinator

Tina Henne (CEPA) gives postdocs an overview of this issue of the Postdoc Journal and what is in store for the coming quarter. Read more »

Esmeralda Yitamben (CNM) is in the Postdoc Spotlight.

Safety Impacts Your Career

Leon T. Reed (HEP), ES&H coordinator, talks about creating a safety culture. Read more »

Communicating Science

Daniel Smith (CELS) needs your microbes for the Home Microbiome Study. Learn how Smith uses social media and 'citizen scientists' to accomplish his research.

Career Corner

Yuki Hamada (EVS) recently initiated the Manuscript Development and Review Group (MDRG) to review peers' work to publish in journals. Read more »

NPA 2012 Annual Meeting

Tina Henne (CEPA) and Kuldeep Mistry (ES) attended The 2012 National Postdoctoral Association Meeting this year.

Postdoc Publications

Argonne's postdocs have been busy publishing and presenting their research.
Argonne National Laboratory
Postdoctoral Office

9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 360
Lemont, Illinois 60439
Tel: (630) 252-4114
Fax: (630) 252-3193

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