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Sustainability Workshop for Middle School Teachers
Tentative Program for Summer 2013

NEW! Lesson plans here.


Argonne’s mission is to lead the world in providing scientific and engineering solutions to the grand challenges of our time: sustainable energy, a healthy environment and a secure nation. In concert with the laboratory’s sustainable energy mission, the Sustainability Workshop for Middle School Teachers will have seminars by scientists, discussions, tours, hands-on activities, and group planning to grow the participant’s energy literacy and develop instructional materials for sustainability topics.

By the last day each teacher will have prepared a teaching unit (outline, lessons, artifacts) that they plan to use during the upcoming school year.

Topical areas include:

  1. The generation, distribution, storage, and utilization of current energy technologies.
  2. Understanding some of the road blocks, complexities, and indirect problems that alternative energy technologies face.
  3. Conserving energy resources in order to stabilize and/or reduce the effects of additional global warming or climate change.
  4. Conserving and adjusting material resources – water, soil, minerals, and clean air.
  5. Designing and planning our living space, land use, and transportation systems in an efficient, logical and esthetic manner.

There will be two sessions held at Argonne National Laboratory

Each workshop is limited to 20 teachers at grades 6-9. To qualify for this program you must hold a valid state teaching certificate for science teaching that falls in the range of grades 6-9 and be teaching school for the 2012-13 academic year with a load of at least 50% science or math classes.

The workshop is FREE.

1.0 Illinois teacher certification credit (CEU) is available.
1.0 semester credit hour is available through Aurora University for a fee.

What Teachers Gain:

  • Content knowledge and interaction with experts => new understanding and confidence!
  • Numerous learning/teaching resources and activities
  • Workshop-generated lessons and curriculum
  • A network of interested teachers and staff for ongoing growth in sustainability

Tentative Agenda:

Day 1
  • Welcome, introductions, and workshop overview
  • Overview of Sustainability
  • What is Climate Change/Climate Disruption
  • Energy bike and light emission & generator efficiency; power & costs (two groups)
  • Lunch
  • Proceed to the Instruction Labs – lower level
  • Split into two hands-on activity groups
Day 2
  • Overview of Energy Generation: Nuclear, Coal, Methane, Hydroelectric, Solar, Wind, Bio-fuels
  • Tour of transportation and solar charging station
  • Lunch
  • Solar Energy Seminar
  • Split into two activity groups
Day 3
  • Topic Discussions
  • Curriculum applications
  • Subdivide into groups of interested topics and activities- plan rough draft of ideas
  • Split into two activity groups
  • Exploration of activities and/or resources
Day 4
  • Exploration of activities and resources
  • Outline.  Writing lessons/artifacts
  • Work with curriculum mentor
  • Plenary share to this point
Day 5
  • Please submit deliverables before you leave today
  • Present lessons and units - allow for discussion and feedback
  • Lunch
  • Finish presentations
  • Teaching/networking follow-up; Closing remarks
  • Evaluation; Course credit and/or CPDUs

To qualify for this program you must hold a valid state teaching certificate for science teaching that falls in the range of grades 6-9 and be teaching school for the 2012-13 academic year with a load of at least 50% science or math classes. There is no stipend for participating in this workshop.

For More Information, Contact: Lou Harnisch 630-252-6925,

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