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Access to the catalogs and astronomical archives of the HEASARC

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Browse interactive forms:

  • Full database access
  • Browse
    Full-featured interface - Search all tables by any field. Includes many options
    Browse Keyword Search
    Search Engine-like query using keywords
    List of all tables for each mission
    Cross-correlation of full tables
    Browse Notification Service
    Get notified when new data is available in the archive
    The new HEASARC discovery and data retrieval system
    Single Box Xamin Query
    Xamin query using keywords

  • Specialized forms
  • KML Browse Interface
    Map Browse sources in Google Sky and other KML services
    Chandra FOV Search
    Search for targets within the active fields of view
    Search Browse proposal information for observation details and status
    Search bursts and observations of the Swift mission

    Direct Access to archive directories:

    HTTP or FTP

    Script access:

    Scriptable command to query the HEASARC database


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    Below are recent missions that may be of interest. Click to add them to your query.

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    Latest News

  • Querying Vizier From Xamin (15 Aug 2012)
    The Vizier system hosted at the CDS is an unmatched source for astronomical tables with nearly 10,000 resources and over 20,000 tables. All public Vizier tables are queryable through Xamin.   First you have to select a table (or tables). … Continue reading
  • New INTEGRAL Galactic Plane Survey in SkyView (25 Jun 2012)
    A new INTEGRAL Galactic plane survey has been added using data provided by R. Krivonos and colleagues.  (See paper and web site).   This survey combines 9 years of INTEGRAL IBIS observations from December 2002 through January 2011 into a single … Continue reading
  • New SkyView Release (01 May 2012)
    We’ve just released an updated version of SkyView with several changes. The Fermi data are now presented in five bands rather than two: 30-100 MeV 100-300 MeV 300-1000 MeV 1-3 GeV 3-30 GeV We’ve deleted the old COBE DIRBE survey. … Continue reading
  • WISE All-Sky Data Available in SkyView (21 Mar 2012)
    SkyView is now serving the data from the WISE All-Sky Data release. The main difference with the preliminary release is coverage on the ~40% of the sky that was missing in the earlier release. However the entire dataset has been … Continue reading
  • Browse Notification Service Released (20 Jun 2008)
    A new HEASARC service lets you know when new data are available in the archive for any source in which you might be interested.
  • RSS [What is this?]

    New and Updated Databases

    Deleted Databases

    Other Resources

  • NVO DataScope - Query catalogs and services from the HEASARC and from around the world using a single form (NEW!)
  • SkyView - An easy to use tool that returns digital images of the sky in any waveband from radio through to Gamma rays
  • Literature - Links to literature search engines and online versions of refereed journals and science magazines
  • Archive Information

  • Data restoration status of all data sets available from the HEASARC
  • Bibliography/Archive cross-reference status of HEASARC data sets with ADS-listed publications
  • Science results that used HEASARC data
  • The HEASARC Cookbook - how to find, download, and analyze data
  • Open Archive Policy - find out how you can integrate HEASARC resources into your Web site

  • Page maintainer: Feedback

    HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

    Last modified: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 18:29:11 EDT

    Browse interfaces: Main | Index | Batch | Correlation |