Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA)

Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA)

Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) 6.0

The BEA is the enterprise architecture for the DoD Business Mission Area (BMA) and defines the DoD business transformation priorities, the Business Capabilities required to support those priorities, and the combinations of Enterprise Systems and Initiatives that enable those capabilities. The BEA is developed using a set of integrated DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) products, including All View (AV), Operational View (OV), Systems and Services View (SV), and Technical Standards View (TV) products. The BEA includes activities, processes, data, Information Exchanges, Business Rules, System Functions, System Data Exchanges, terms, and linkages to laws, regulations, and policies. The purpose of the BEA is:

"To provide a blueprint for DoD business transformation that helps to ensure that the right capabilities, resources and materiel are rapidly delivered to our warfighters: What they need, where they need it, when they need it, anywhere in the world. The BEA guides and constrains implementation of interoperable defense business system solutions as required by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and guides information technology (IT) investment management to align with strategic Business Capabilities as required by NDAA, Clinger-Cohen and supporting Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Government Accountability Office (GAO) policy."

The transformation effort guiding BEA development continues to focus on providing tangible outcomes for a limited set of priorities and on developing an architecture that is integrated, understandable, and actionable. The scope of the BEA, defined by six Business Enterprise Priorities (BEPs), permits the BEA to evolve in a controlled and consistent fashion.

The main focus areas for BEA 6.0 support the intended uses of the architecture:

  • Investment Management – Support alignment of services, systems and solutions to the prioritized strategic capabilities of the Department
  • Interoperability - Permit approval authorities to demonstrate compliance with the BEA to achieve transformation objectives and implementation of interoperable business solutions