United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA National HIV/AIDS Website

For Health Care Providers

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for Health Care Providers

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VA HIV Testing Rates on the Rise

National HIV testing rates throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs have doubled in the last two years.

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A still shot from the video Live HIV+

Live HIV+

A short video of HIV-positive Veterans sharing their stories and advice on steps to take after getting a diagnosis of HIV.

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Screenshot from video

Make the Test Normal

This animated video gives instructions on how to integrate routine HIV testing in VA Women's Health Clinics using the Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACT) model.

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Policies and Reports

As of August 17, 2009, written (signature) consent is no longer required for HIV testing in the VHA. Instead, patients will provide verbal informed consent prior to HIV testing. Furthermore, scripted pre-test and post-test counseling are no longer mandated. More information

Get Checked Campaign: Say yes to the test!
National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Public Health Matters Newsletter: Updates from the Public Health Strategic Health Care Group