United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA National HIV/AIDS Website

VA National HIV/AIDS Website: For Patients and the Public

Home > Patients' Home

for Veterans and the Public

A photo of colorful condoms

Tips for Using Condoms

Learn how to be a responsible partner. Follow the advice in this guide on condoms and dental dams.

See tips >

A montage of four people's headshots

Which of these people should get an HIV test?

Answer: All of them.

HIV testing can save your life.

Learn more >

A still shot from the video Live HIV+

Live HIV+

A short video of HIV-positive Veterans sharing their stories and advice on steps to take after getting a diagnosis of HIV.

Go to video >


What is HIV? What is AIDS? How is HIV spread? What are the symptoms? Are you at risk? Are there long-term effects?

My HealtheVet
National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Get Checked Campaign: Say yes to the test!