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National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)

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Become a Technical Service Provider

NRCS LogoJoin us on Thursday, November 1, for the first of four webinars that will teach you how to become a Technical Service Provider (TSP) for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). TSPs have technical expertise in conservation planning and design for a variety of conservation activities, helping farmers and ranchers to protect the environment and enhance natural resources. Read more and register for the first webinar at

Facebook Activity

Canada Invests in Organic Competitiveness

Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz has announced two investments that will enhance Canada's organic food industry's competitiveness in global and domestic markets. The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) will receive $180,000 from the ...  Continue reading →

City of Fayetteville Adds Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Outreach Position

Joseph Beachner (right) participating in an energy audit field training with Viridian/Home Rx Energy Consultants, Corey Keen and Gary Kahanak at the Feed Fayetteville Sustainable Community Food Center. In partnership with the SCI:Fayetteville team and the Energy Corps/AmeriCorps initiative, the City of Fayetteville has created a new position ...  Continue reading →

Inspired by School Lunch

Last week, Natasha Hegmann's sleepy 7am local produce processing routine was upset by something delicious. At the crack of dawn on Tuesdays, I buzz the back door of the Ennis School kitchen. Our head cook, Tammy, busily pops open the door and greets me with coffee as I haul in a ...  Continue reading →

Wind Farm Near Shawmut Underway

A new wind farm in Shawmut officially got underway on October 18 with a groundbreaking ceremony that included U.S. Senator Max Baucus. According to a report in the Billings Gazette, the farm will begin producing electricity by the end of the year. The project consists of 14 wind turbines that ...  Continue reading →

Allentown Suburb Embraces Smart Growth

Lower Macungie township, a suburb of Allentown, Pennsylvania, recently embarked on a smart growth planning project meant to encourage compact neighborhoods where people can walk and bike to stores, recreation areas, and work. Lower Macungie commissioner…Original post blogged on the SmartGrowth Online ...  Continue reading →

Unsung Successes of the Recovery Act

By Elizabeth Willmott, New Energy Cities In The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era, Time reporterMichael Grunwald argues that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the Recovery Act) has been an unsung success—in fact a historic law that kept the American economy from freefall. ...  Continue reading →