Connecting the Private Sector to Global Development

Posted by Stephanie Grosser / October 26, 2012

Stephanie Grosser serves as a Program Analyst with the USAID Development Credit Authority.

Last week, the U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) Mission in Uganda and the USAID Development Credit Authority released a video that will make you rethink development. The video tells the story of a private infrastructure project on a remote island in Uganda, where a USAID co-guarantee spurred private sector investment.

In the 1960s, during USAID's founding decade, official development assistance represented 70 percent of all capital flows to developing countries. Today, foreign aid makes up just 13 percent, having been replaced over time by trade, investment, and other sources of private capital.

This changing landscape means our impact can be even greater. Rather than using our development dollars to substitute for missing private capital, we can use them to attract it. Even better, we can unlock existing local wealth and put it to work for development.

That's what we do at the Development Credit Authority (DCA). Watch the above video to see how effective private sector partnerships can positively impact people's lives, and visit our website to learn more about our work.

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Larry in Malawi writes:

I beg to differ with Henry! The work and history of USAID in Malawi is immeasurable. I cannot quantify, the benefit our people have had from the various channels rendered by the USAID. So, in any sense, it would be wrong to, state, that the "US adopting the British model of camouflaged colonialism" without finding out the impact of the institution it had has in those areas like Malawi.

Posted on Sun Oct 28, 2012

Henry in the U.S.A. writes:

This is disgusting. It's just the US adopting the British model of camouflaged colonialism. At this rate, any country that wants real development will have to turn to China or Argentina for assistance.

Posted on Sat Oct 27, 2012

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