Conversations With America: The Hemispheric Agenda—Democracy, Prosperity, and Social Inclusion

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / October 25, 2012

Conversations With America -- The Hemispheric Agenda: Democracy, Prosperity, and Social Inclusion [State Department image/ Public Domain]

Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Jacobson will hold a conversation with Diana Villiers Negroponte, Senior Fellow, Latin America Initiative, Brookings Institution and Michael Shifter, President, Inter-American Dialogue, on the U.S. government's foreign policy agenda in the Western Hemisphere. The discussion will be moderated by Cheryl Benton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, and will be available for on demand viewing soon on YouTube and

You are invited to participate by submitting questions, some of which will be selected for response during the taping. Submit your questions below on DipNote and join the ongoing discussion via Twitter using the hashtag #talkAmericas. Please submit questions via DipNote and Twitter as soon as possible for consideration.

Through Conversations With America, leaders of national non-governmental organizations have the opportunity to discuss foreign policy and global issues with senior State Department officials. These conversations aim to provide candid views of the ways in which leaders from the foreign affairs community are engaging the Department on pressing foreign policy issues.

View other Conversations With America here and by accessing the Conversations With America video podcasts on iTunes.

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Ashim C. in India writes:

Assuming states in western hemisphere are as diverse as states in other regions in terms of their technology levels and capacity to address their problems, US should think in terms of classifying development needs of states in terms of the technological interventions they require and create an international mechanism under it's leadership to link up states in western hemisphere with developing countries in Asia particularly, create market for goods and services for developing countries and get leverage over Asian developing countries to carve out for itself opportunities for more intense engagements with Asian liberal democracies, which have natural demographic advantages. Western Hemisphere offers opportunity for a chain of relationship of mutual dependence among North America led by USA, large liberal democracies of Asia and even Africa and countries of western hemisphere. Please comment.

Posted on Sun Nov 04, 2012

Pero J. writes:

How can regional groups like the OAS better defend freedom of expression in places like Argentina and Venezuela?

Posted on Wed Oct 31, 2012

C.W. in Washington, D.C. writes:

When is this event happening?

DipNote Bloggers reply:

@ C.W. -- Thank you for your question. Video of this event will be available on DipNote,, and YouTube after November 1. Please stay tuned!

Posted on Tue Oct 30, 2012

Roger in Florida writes:

When will the U.S. lift sanctions against Cuba?

Posted on Fri Oct 26, 2012

Stanley in Baltimore writes:

On February 26th, 2010 my Children Gabriel and Anastasia Hunkovic were abducted by their Mother knowingly in direct violation of a US Court order. I have been fighting this case for close to 3 years know and get nothing but the run around from the States Department as to why the US has not excepted Trinidad into the Hague. Trinidad is a signature to the Hague but to date the US has not excepted them. Trinidad has been compliant with the other countries that have excepted them. Why is it that the US Ambassador to Trinidad not mentioned my children to her counter part in Trinidad? They have been held their as wards of the State of Trinidad for close to 3 years now! This is despite the fact that I have full custody of my children.

Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2012

Jose in Miami writes:

Historically, and during the 20th Century, US strategy (and priorities) has been based on an east-west view of the world. With the ever increasing importance of Latin America in the economic, cultural, and social domains, should US strategy take more of a North-South approach as we continue our march into the 21st Century?

Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2012

Hany S. in Egypt writes:

how you see Democracy in Egypt?

Posted on Thu Oct 25, 2012

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