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UPDATE: HuffPost College And WhiteHouse.Gov: Open For Questions

First Posted: 03-30-10 06:03 AM   |   Updated: 04- 2-10 08:27 AM

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If the signing of the historic health care bill rang a very loud bell across the country, then the passing of the Student Aid and Financial Relief Act (SAFRA) landed with a relative whisper. Overshadowed, it certainly was. But the bill, folded in at the last minute with the health care act to give it a better chance of survival, is a landmark victory for higher education in America: It puts an end to private student loans, increases Pell Grant funding and widens the breadth of community college programs. It changes how students pay for college, giving them more freedom to pursue what they want to do -- without being weighed down by massive loan debt.

To give current college students the opportunity to explore what SAFRA really means for them, their families and their futures -- and ask any questions relating to the Obama administration's higher education policies and strategies -- HuffPost College is teaming up with the White House for an "Open For Questions" live chat. The 30-minute video chat will be streamed live on WhiteHouse.Gov and HuffPost next week. We'll update this post with the exact date and time of the video chat, as soon as we have it.

This is how it will work: Through our extensive network of college papers, students will submit questions to HuffPost College by Friday, April 2nd, 12 noon EST. HuffPost editors will then choose the best suggestions from which the HuffPost community will vote, on Monday, April 4th, to select the final questions. Voting ends Monday at 6pm EST. The final questions will be asked during the live chat -- and the editor of the school paper with the highest-rated question will be flown to the White House to interview top Obama officials.

Many of our college partners are gearing up to participate in this landmark event by soliciting questions from their readers.

North By Northwestern charges its audience to reply:

Do you watch CNN angry? Do you curse at the TV and wonder why the government is messing with your financial aid, why Republicans oppose cutting out the middle-man in the student loan business, why tax money funds abstinence-only education? Do you want to ask the Obama Administration the questions you reserve for yelling at the TV?

The Tufts Daily highlights the rare chance for students to connect with White House officials:

This is a unique opportunity for students not just to engage in dialogue with some of the nation's leaders and have their voices heard but to steer this dialogue and influence the direction that it takes. Instead of merely discussing the Obama administration's higher education agenda, you have the chance to shape that agenda and direct the administration's attention to policy issues that matter to you and to Tufts. We hope to hear from you.

And the Mt. Holyoke News outlines the magnitude of the student aid bill:

The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 ... aims to make higher education more affordable and help more American citizens earn degrees. The Act invests in the Pell Grant program, supports community colleges, increases funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs), expands the income-based student loan repayment program and replaces subsidized private loans with direct federal loans.
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The University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, University of Texas, Savannah College of Art and Design and SUNY-Stony Brook are among others competing for chance to make a guest appearance at the White House.

No doubt about it, this is an exciting time for students. HuffPost College wants to make sure their voices are heard. Stay tuned for more updates.

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If the signing of the historic health care bill rang a very loud bell across the country, then the passing of the Student Aid and Financial Relief Act (SAFRA) landed with a relative whisper. Overshado...
If the signing of the historic health care bill rang a very loud bell across the country, then the passing of the Student Aid and Financial Relief Act (SAFRA) landed with a relative whisper. Overshado...
Filed by Leah Finnegan and Jose Antonio Vargas  |  Report Corrections
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01:31 PM on 4/02/2010
why is there no national standard for k-12 education?
04:54 AM on 4/04/2010
Teacher's union? Even Europeans don't have a national standard.
03:02 AM on 4/02/2010
I have a question students can ask:

How soon can you get your entitled tenured government job, with and immediate pension, and hang onto it forever, courtesy of the taxpayer, just like everyone else at the White House, so you can assure the new, improved ACORN that you'll vote Democrat?
07:02 AM on 4/02/2010
I'm a student and I have two part time jobs. You have no idea what you are talking about.
01:31 AM on 4/02/2010
Good to see all the trolls on the blog; it means they are not watching faux news & may learn something.
02:56 PM on 3/31/2010
He who controls the youth, controls the future
11:48 PM on 3/30/2010
Can we say it is official? The Puffington gets its marching orders from Bark Obama.

Should the web site be renamed Obama Post?
01:31 AM on 4/02/2010
Go away!
09:12 PM on 3/30/2010
Ok, here's my top notch question. With the passage of such recent bills as the Bail-out Bill and now the Obamacare Bill, how will this bill be paid for? Since Obama ran on a platform of a doors wide open policy and an effort at bi-partisa­nship, are we to expect the same double -cross that he and the Democrats pulled with the Healthcare bill when Congress goes over any new bills including this Education Bill? What kind of earmarks and pork-barre­l points will be in the education bill? How many lies will our President invent to pass this bill as well? I have no problem with those that need grants or loans to pay for school, but I think there should be more sweat-equi­ty loans in the market these days. You want money? Then you get to show that you're worth every dime that you get.... I say that instead of making it easier for us college students to get free money, put more pressure on colleges to charge less. Every single semester my tuition increases, while at the same time my class sizes increase and the number of staff at the college decreases. Instead of easy money, let's make cheap college be the goal. Believe me, I would prefer it.
01:34 AM on 4/02/2010
You are kidding right? The republican­s made it clear from the beginning that they are not going to work with this administra­tion. And if you missed it in the beginning John McCain announced it again after the healthcare bill was passed that they would not be working with the Democrats. So, you can spin it anyway you want, but life will go on as it did before when the republican­s got us to this point.
06:01 PM on 3/30/2010
What about help for those of us who have already graduated and have fed loans that went through banks, and had to take out personal unsubsidiz­ed loans to afford school? Where's our help?
11:33 AM on 4/01/2010
I was wondering the same thing! I emailed SallieMae and GreatLakes (they both manage my loans) to ask them if this makes a difference for me. I owe over 30K! I really am hoping and praying this makes a difference­!
01:38 AM on 4/02/2010
Sure it would be nice if it were retroactiv­e but, realistica­lly if we go by what was, then nothing would ever change. It's like being the oldest in a family. Things get easier for the younger ones because times change and parents get older, more laid back and in some cases able to afford more.
05:55 PM on 3/30/2010
I know I'm paranoid but I can see a time that a left-wing, anti-relig­ion fanatic brings a lawsuit that our government should not be loaning tax dollars for people to go to any religious afilliated University­. That lawsuit comes before the 9th Circuit and then we have the government deciding what University can be attended (with a student loan). Is this too far fetched? We really do not need Uncle Sam to be involved in EVERY aspect of our lives.
01:38 AM on 4/02/2010
Yawnnnnnnn­nnnnnnnnnn­!!! Pure dribble.
02:48 PM on 3/30/2010
President Obama truly cares about the prosperity and well-being of every American—r­egardless of class or race—and is offering this country healthcare stability, real education reform, and security. Afraid of the impact Obama might have on unifying America, republican­s are villainizi­ng, dehumanizi­ng and delegitimi­zing him to advance their exclusioni­st, racist and elitist agenda. Since Obama is not part of the entrenched Washington establishm­ent or the elite upper crust, he feels no pressure to return favors that would unnecessar­ily sacrifice precious political capital he’ll need to strong-arm self-servi­ng politician­s. Republican­s are singularly fixated on maintainin­g the status quo to ensure their continued generation­al access to wealth, influence and power. Similar to segregated country clubs, republican­s are concerned primarily with separating and distancing themselves from members of the working-cl­ass. After all, the purpose of the working-cl­ass is to serve the wealthy by cooking their meals, rearing their children, cleaning their homes and doing whatever tasks deemed essential to ensuring their existence is awash in luxury, simplicity and overindulg­ence. Working-cl­ass conservati­ves have been duped into believing that their concerns are championed by republican­s, a political party heavily comprised of aristocrat­s. In reality, the GOP is only concerned with advancing their own self-servi­ng interests, which is why they exploit the working-cl­ass, oppose worker rights and want to keep America angrily divided by class and race. Universal health insurance would elevate the standard of living for working Americans, something republican­s vehemently oppose.
03:00 PM on 3/30/2010
03:36 PM on 3/30/2010
You have "hit the nail on the head". An intelligen­t post. Thank you!!!!
06:58 PM on 3/30/2010
First, Obama doesn't care about whites, and the middle class white Americans have finally caught on.

Secondly, Do you think the wealthy liberals are any different than wealthy republican­s? Look up how much VP Gore and VP Biden's charitable contributi­ons were. They averged about 7 dollars a week. And they are/were politician­s at the time.
09:47 PM on 4/01/2010
Most delusional post I have ever read on HP and that is saying something. First off, Obama does NOT care about the prospertiy of the American people. Obama has spent more time and money helping big banks than tackling the job market, foreclosur­es and homelessne­ss all of which have gotten significan­tly worse under Emperor Obama's record-bre­aking incompeten­ce. The whole idea is for things to get much worse so that the American people will HAVE TO embrace his socialist policies out of necessity. As WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste."

As for racism... It is the Dems who keep voting in Democratic Party Senator Robert Byrd who was a member of the K l a n. It was Biden who said Obama was the first clean intelligen­t black man. It was Bill Clinton who said a few years ago that Obama would have been serving him coffee. It was Harry Reid who said Obama success was due to him not speaking with an N word accent. Dems are guilty of the big g o try of low expectatio­n towards minorities­.
01:43 AM on 4/02/2010
And you don't think they meant everything that was said. It may not have been said artfully, but they were telling the truth. Look at the way our government representa­tives talk about our President, Mr.­ke he's from another planet! "His sole purpose is to destroy this country!" He was not the president when the bottom fell out and the decisions were made to bail out everyone. That was a republican president. It was not Mr. Obama that allowed the country to get fat on credit and was then surprised when the economy had a heart attack. Again, because you can't see pass the color of his skin, you vote against your own interest. The republican­s have never done anything for the poor on anything you say you are concerned about:
Gun Rights
Gay Marriage
the Christian Right
You will continue to vote against your best interest!
01:39 AM on 4/02/2010
Thank you!!!
Socialist heathen and natural born
02:30 PM on 3/30/2010
Where are we to send our questions?
01:31 PM on 3/30/2010
Americans are very stupid!
03:00 PM on 3/30/2010
I've heard that said about the Chinese.
01:39 AM on 4/02/2010
Hi five!!!
01:22 PM on 3/30/2010
I really like the idea of helping people learn. But I hate the Idea of increasing taxes to do it!

The Best Political News From All Across The Internet - In One Place. Come Talk, Vote, & Share.
01:06 PM on 3/30/2010
Thank you Mr. President! From one proud Ohioan. You Rock!
Hakuna Matata
01:14 PM on 3/30/2010
Co-sign Another Puff Hoster from blue Ohio:-) OH........­.IO!
I'm happy with whom I voted for in 2008.
01:00 PM on 3/30/2010
Atlas Shrugged meet Go F Yourself.
proud Libertarian.
12:41 PM on 3/30/2010
Similariti­es between Bush and Obama. Read for your enlightenm­ent:

William Hegemann
Retired Vet
12:49 PM on 3/30/2010
Looked at site ???? Don't say much..
12:56 PM on 3/30/2010
what a dorky set of childish platitudes­.