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“There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from one another; and to seek common ground.“

~ President Barack Obama

What is the value of Global Pulse 2010?

Global Pulse 2010 provided an opportunity to voice opinions, share ideas, and create innovative solutions to social issues facing the global community within the fields of science and technology, entrepreneurship, and human development. This was a unique opportunity to influence a global conversation that built partnerships across borders, strengthened understanding among cultures, and identified innovative solutions to the most pressing social issues of our time.

Thank you to those that participated in Global Pulse 2010!

Global Pulse 2010 was a successful, 3 day on-line conversation about 10 of the greatest challenges facing the global community. Statistics about the participation illustrate the broad geographic reach and diversity of the participants.

  • Nearly 7000 participants logged into the event during the 3 days
  • 57% of participants were from outside the US
  • 155 countries were represented
  • The gender of participants was balanced over the entire event 51% female/49% male, and yet certain forums attracted very different gender profiles (details in the forum summaries)
  • 47% of participants were under age 35

The content and analysis of the event are available through the content and analysis tab on this website.

Global Pulse 2010

March 29 - 31, 2010

The U.S. Government wants to engage, and partner, with the international community in a meaningful way. Global Pulse 2010 was a new approach to fulfilling this objective.

Global Pulse 2010 was a 3-day, online collaboration event that brought together individual socially-engaged participants and organizations from around the world. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sponsored the Global Pulse 2010 in partnership with the Departments of State, Education, Commerce, and Health and Human Services.

As the name implies, the event took the pulse of thousands of participants on key issues facing communities around the world. Global Pulse 2010 connected participants who are champions of social issues to build new, or strengthen existing relationships, and inform U.S. foreign assistance and diplomatic strategies. Individual discussions took place within forums on ten designated topics.

Inspiring a New Generation

Developing Global Citizens of the 21st Century

Empowering Women and Girls

Making equality a reality

Enabling Essential Education

What everyone should learn to succeed in the 21st century

Building Stronger Partnerships

Explore new ways to promote partnerships between societies, citizens, community organizations, and businesses as a means of creating sustainable solutions to shared development priorities

Exercising Political and Civil Rights

Understanding rights, increasing citizens participation and expanding accountability

Promoting Global Health

Connecting and empowering individuals and communities to take charge over their own health and well-being

Advancing Entrepreneurship, Trade & Economic Opportunity

Find new ways to advance entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic opportunity

Fostering Science, Technology & Innovation

Discover new ways to support societies and build capacity by leveraging science and technology

Supporting a Sustainable Planet

Exchange lessons learned on how to address global climate change

Pursuing Grand Challenges

Identifying the “grand challenges” of the next decade

Each topic area had recognized leaders in the related fields of interest facilitating the conversations. What was truly unique about this event is that it gave people with innovative ideas the chance to voice their opinion, learn from one another, and speak directly with those who have the desire and resources to take action.

Where and when?

Global Pulse 2010 was an online "virtual" event. Registration was free and participants joined from any computer with internet access. The event was live over the span of 3 days: Monday, March 29th to Wednesday, March 31st.

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USAID Global Pulse 2010 Video USAID Global Pulse 2010 Video