ARPA-E and the Next Energy Breakthroughs

Revving up the great American innovation machine is critical to promoting economic growth and finding solutions to our energy and climate challenges.  At the Department of Energy, we are working to accelerate game-changing energy breakthroughs.  One of our most exciting new efforts is ARPA-E – the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy.  ARPA-E was funded for the first time in the Recovery Act to pursue truly transformational solutions to our energy problems. 
For example, as you’ll see in the video, we’re supporting innovative efforts to dramatically reduce the cost of solar photovoltaic cells.  And today, Vice President Biden announced $106 million in funding for 37 new projects that could fundamentally change the way the country uses and produces energy. 
By promoting innovative approaches to our energy challenges, we can ensure that the U.S. leads the new Industrial Revolution in clean energy technologies that we need – a revolution that can create new jobs, maintain America’s competitiveness, and dramatically cut our carbon pollution.
I hope you will take a moment to watch this video about the impressive work going on through ARPA-E.

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Steven Chu is the Secretary of Energy

Related Topics: Energy and Environment