8 Hours Left to Weigh In on the Commencement Challenge

Have you rated the six finalists yet?

There are just a few hours left to help the President decide which of the six final high schools he’ll visit and deliver the commencement address at later this spring.  Public rating will close at 11:59 PM EDT tonight.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll announce via blog post the top three finalists based on the public ratings.  From there, President Obama will decide on the winning school.  The final winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 4th.

If you haven’t already – please take a few minutes to check out the short videos and essays from each of the six high school finalists.  All six schools exemplify dedication to academic excellence and preparing students to help meet the President’s 2020 goal of having the highest proportion of college graduates in the world -- but only one school can be the winner. 

You can help President Obama narrow the field by rating each school on a scale of 1-5 at WhiteHouse.gov/Commencement.  Be sure to check back tomorrow to find out which schools made the top three!

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