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Medical Readiness Training Exercise, Part 1


Medical Readiness Training Exercise, Part 1

Video by Juan Torres-Diaz | U.S. Army South | Date: 04.30.2010

B-roll of Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE) in Coteaux, Haiti. Scenes include patients waiting outside, dentists extracting teeth, doctors examining patients, preventive medicine being administered,... View Video

Medical Readiness Training Exercise, Part 2


Medical Readiness Training Exercise, Part 2

Video by Juan Torres-Diaz | U.S. Army South | Date: 04.30.2010

B-roll of Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE) in Coteaux, Haiti. Scenes include patients waiting outside, dentists extracting teeth, doctors examining patients, preventive medicine being administered,... View Video

Haiti's Minister of Health Visits U.S. Medical Readiness Site


Haiti's Minister of Health Visits U.S. Medical Readiness Site

Video by Juan Torres-Diaz | U.S. Army South | Date: 04.29.2010

B-roll of Haiti's Minister of Health, Dr. Alex Larsen as he visits a U.S. Army Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE) site. Scenes include Soldiers walking with Dr. Alex Larsen, Various people talking in... View Video

Daily News Update - April 28


Daily News Update - April 28

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity | Date: 04.28.2010

This edition features stories on Navy Medicine’s Project FOCUS and Surgeon General of the Navy, Vice Adm. Adam Robinson, speaking to students and faculty at Howard University about the roles of Navy health... View Video

Haiti-Dominican Republic Border Crossing and Market Place


Haiti-Dominican Republic Border Crossing and Market Place

Video by Juan Torres-Diaz | U.S. Army South | Date: 04.26.2010

B-roll of the duty-free open market on the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Scenes include Haitians walking across the border with purchased goods, Vehicles in line to cross the border, people... View Video