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Scott R. Clark Innovation Award

The Scott R. Clark (USMA 1985) Innovation for Soldiers Award is an award to be given to one Projects Day project. The award winner will demonstrate an innovative approach to solving a problem of direct application to the Army.  The donor states, “This gift is to encourage cadets to demonstrate for soldiers, innovations which can benefit soldiers.”



The ARC will evaluate projects summaries for selection to compete on Project’s day based on the following criteria:


  1. Impact of the innovation to the soldier.
  2. Scope of the Innovation (number of soldiers impacted).
  3. Significance of the innovation (evolutionary vs. leap-forward).
  4. Impact of the innovation to the Army.
  5. Submission content (Does the submission provide paragraphs A through E as specified above?).

2012 Clark Award

Cadets Benjamin Poth, José Ramirez and Matthew DiBasilio. 
Team Advisors: Dr. Özer Arnas, LTC Bret Vanpoppel and MAJ John Evangelista  

Previous Years’ Winners  

2011 – STITCH – Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cadets John Rollinson, Anthony Rodriguez, James Raub, Michael Weigand


2010 – DemonEye – Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cadets John Eischer, George William Hopkins, Derek Lee Wales
Advisors: LTC  Greg Kilby, Dr. Wenli Huang, and LTC Bob McTasney


2009 – Weapon Activated and Controlled Turret – Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Cadets Thomas Anderson, Nathaniel Clark, Wesley Kotz, Briana Stremick