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Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Drug Courts and Other Problem-Solving Court Programs in the United States , BJA-Sponsored, July 2011, NCJ 235776. (68 pages).
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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Planning: Guidelines for Community Corrections , BJA, August 2009, NCJ 228287. (40 pages).
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Panhandling , COPS, September 2003, NCJ 194799. (69 pages).
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Paraben Device Seizure Version 4.3 Evaluation Report , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2012, NCJ 239588. (19 pages).
Parent's Quick Reference Card: Recognizing and Preventing Gang Involvement , COPS, OJJDP, 2007, NCJ 218598. (2 pages).
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Parental Abduction: A Review of the Literature , OJJDP, December 2001, NCJ 190074. (13 pages).
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Parental Kidnapping , OJJDP, November 1995, FS 9534. (2 pages).
Parents Anonymous: Strengthening Families , OJJDP, April 1999, NCJ 171120. (12 pages).
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Parents in Prison and their Minor Children , BJS, August 2008, NCJ 222984. (25 pages).
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Parents' Guide to Gangs , OJJDP-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 217478. (16 pages).
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Parents' Guide to Truancy , OJJDP-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 226229. (36 pages).
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Parole Model , OJJDP, September 1990, NCJ 142685. (14 pages).
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Parole Violations and Revocations in California , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2008, NCJ 224521. (150 pages).
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Parole Violations and Revocations: Evidence-Based Responses to California in Crisis - Expert Chat Webinar, NIJ and Harvard's Government Innovators Network , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2009, NCJ 234703.
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Paroling Authorities' Strategic Planning and Management for Results , NIC, June 2011, NCJ 234933. (33 pages).
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Partial Results from Prototype Testing Efforts for Disk Imaging Tools: SafeBack 2.0 , NIJ, April 2003, NCJ 199000. (108 pages).
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Partner Violence Among Young Adults , NIJ, 1997, FS 000167.
Partnering with Businesses to Address Public Safety Problems , COPS, April 2006, NCJ 213803. (70 pages).
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Partnering with Faith Communities to Provide Elder Fraud Prevention, Intervention, and Victim Services , OVC, April 2006, NCJ 213340. (8 pages).
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Partnership, Problem-Solving, and Research Integration - Key Elements of Success in SACSI: Phase I Findings From the National Assessment of the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2002, NCJ 204349. (63 pages).
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Partnerships To Prevent Youth Violence , BJA, 1994, NCJ 148459. (7 pages).
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Partnerships: Coming Together to Study Crime & Solutions , NIJ, June 2011, NCJ 234741.
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Past and Future Directions of the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program: An Evaluation Review , NIJ, September 1994, NCJ 152055. (31 pages).
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Pathological Gambling in Arrestee Populations , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 196677. (91 pages).
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Pathways from Dependency and Neglect to Delinquency: Part Two , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 220288. (102 pages).
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Pathways to Prison: Impact of Victimization in the Lives of Incarcerated Women , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2004, NCJ 208383. (94 pages).
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A Patrol Car Allocation Model , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, June 1976, NCJ 045304. (38 pages).
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Patrol Car Allocation Model - Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, July 1985, NCJ 098719. (18 pages).
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Patrol Car Allocation Model - Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, September 1975, NCJ 030302. (23 pages).
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Patrol Car Allocation Model - Program Description , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, July 1985, NCJ 098721. (226 pages).
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Patrol Car Allocation Model - Program Description , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, September 1975, NCJ 030304. (191 pages).
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Patrol Car Allocation Model - User's Manual , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, September 1975, NCJ 030303. (145 pages).
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Patrol Car Allocation Model - User's Manual , NIJ-Sponsored, Rand Corporation, July 1985, NCJ 098720. (125 pages).
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Patterns of Juvenile Delinquency and Co-Offending , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 192288. (20 pages).
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Patterns of Violence Against Women: Risk Factors and Consequences, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2004, NCJ 208346. (53 pages).
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Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods: SACSI in 10 U.S. Cities , NIJ, April 2008, NCJ 216298. (20 pages).
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Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities , COPS, November 2007, NCJ 220725. (108 pages).
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Peer Group Revisited: A Network Approach for Understanding Adolescent Delinquency , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 195086. (186 pages).
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Peer Justice and Youth Empowerment: An Implementation Guide for Teen Court Programs , OJJDP, 1998, NCJ 162782. (296 pages).
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People with Dementia as Witnesses to Emotional Events , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2011, NCJ 234132. (30 pages).
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People With Mental Illness , COPS, June 2006, NCJ 214561. (82 pages).
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People, Places, and Things: The Social Process of Reentry for Female Ex-Offenders , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2006, NCJ 215178. (320 pages).
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PEPNet: Connecting Juvenile Offenders to Education and Employment , OJJDP, July 2001, FS 200129. (2 pages).
Pepper Spray's Effects on a Suspect's Ability to Breathe, Research in Brief , NIJ, December 2001, NCJ 188069. (8 pages).
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Perceptions of Former Youth Gang Influentials: Transcript of Two Symposia , OJJDP, 1990, NCJ 142661. (137 pages).
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Perceptions of Neighborhood Crime, 1995 , BJS, April 1998, NCJ 165811. (10 pages).
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Perceptions of the Courts in Your Community: The Influence of Experience, Race and Ethnicity, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2003, NCJ 201356. (11 pages).
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Perceptions of the Courts in Your Community: The Influence of Experience, Race and Ethnicity, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2003, NCJ 201302. (113 pages).
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Perceptions of the Police Among Members of Six Ethnic Communities in Central Queens, NY , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2000, NCJ 184612. (85 pages).
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Perceptions of the Police Among Members of Six Ethnic Communities in Central Queens, NY, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2000, NCJ 184613. (38 pages).
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Performance Characterization Study: Noise Flash Diversionary Devices (NFDDs), Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2003, NCJ 205642. (72 pages).
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Performance Criteria Under a Problem Oriented Policing Model: A Report Prepared for the Ada County Sheriffs Office , NIJ-Sponsored, 1998, NCJ 194719. (60 pages).
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Performance Measurement and Data System Development: A Guide for Violence Against Women Programs , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2003, NCJ 201407. (50 pages).
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Performance Measurement for Justice Information System Projects , BJA, March 2008, NCJ 222673. (88 pages).
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Performance Measures for the Criminal Justice System , BJS, October 1993, NCJ 143505. (167 pages).
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Performance Measures: What Works? , OJJDP, December 1997, FS 9771. (2 pages).
Permanency Planning for Abused and Neglected Children , OJJDP, April 1997, FS 9765. (2 pages).
Persistent Pull of Police Professionalism , NIJ, March 2011, NCJ 232676. (20 pages).
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Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court , OJJDP, April 1994, FS 9410. (2 pages).
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2005 , OJJDP, June 2009, NCJ 224537. (2 pages).
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Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2007 , OJJDP, June 2010, NCJ 230169. (2 pages).
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Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 1988–1997 , OJJDP, May 2000, FS 200006. (2 pages).
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 2008 , OJJDP, December 2011, NCJ 236480. (2 pages).
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Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1990–1999 , OJJDP, September 2003, FS 200303. (2 pages).
Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1989-1998 , OJJDP, August 2001, FS 200132. (2 pages).
Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1986-1995 , OJJDP, April 1998, FS 9877. (2 pages).
Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1985–1994 , OJJDP, October 1996, FS 9648. (2 pages).
Person Offenses in Juvenile Court, 1985–2002 , OJJDP, November 2006, FS 200603.
Personal Electronics for Law Enforcement: Solid State Recorders and Body Wires , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2002, NCJ 210488. (97 pages).
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Perspectives on Civil Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases: The Rural and Urban Divide , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 230410. (5 pages).
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Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1996-1997 Lecture Series, Volume I , NIJ, November 1997, NCJ 166609. (143 pages).
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Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1997-1998 Lecture Series, Volume II , NIJ, November 1998, NCJ 172851. (132 pages).
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Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1998-1999 Lecture Series, Volume III , NIJ, November 1999, NCJ 178244. (99 pages).
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Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 1999-2000 Lecture Series, Volume IV , NIJ, March 2001, NCJ 184245. (135 pages).
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Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 2000-2001 Lecture Series, Volume V , NIJ, March 2002, NCJ 187100. (120 pages).
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Petitioned Status Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 2004 , OJJDP, January 2008, FS 200802.
Pharmacological Overview of Calmatives , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2007, NCJ 220986. (4 pages).
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Phoenix Project: Predictors of Suspect Use of Force , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 187776. (178 pages).
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Photodocumentation in the Investigation of Child Abuse , OJJDP, April 2006, NCJ 214123. (24 pages).
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Physical Environment and Crime , NIJ, May 1996, NCJ 157311. (35 pages).
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Physiological Model of Excited Delirium , NIJ-Sponsored, 2010, NCJ 236951. (30 pages).
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Piecing Together the Cross-National Crime Puzzle , NIJ, January 2000, NCJ 180081. (8 pages).
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Pilot Study Final Report on Statewide Judicial Data for NJRP , BJS-Sponsored, February 2011, NCJ 233456. (24 pages).
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Pilot Study Preliminary Report on Statewide Judicial Data for NJRP , BJS-Sponsored, February 2011, NCJ 233455. (39 pages).
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Plan a Special Event , OJJDP, July 1999, NCJ 171689. (8 pages).
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Planning a Successful Crime Prevention Project , OJJDP, April 1998, NCJ 170024. (28 pages).
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Planning and Assessing a Law Enforcement Reentry Strategy , COPS, August 2008, NCJ 223915. (158 pages).
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Planning and Managing Security for Major Special Events: Guidelines for Law Enforcement , COPS, October 2007, NCJ 220565. (128 pages).
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Planning Community-Based Facilities for Violent Juvenile Offenders as Part of a System of Graduated Sanctions , OJJDP, August 2005, NCJ 209326. (39 pages).
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Planning Guide for Using the Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System , BJA, July 1997, NCJ 161568. (174 pages).
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Planning of New Institutions: Workshops for Juvenile Facilities , OJJDP, January 2001, FS 200101. (2 pages).
Planning, Implementing and Operating Effective Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Programs: Guidelines and Standards , BJA-Sponsored, October 2006, NCJ 234517. (44 pages).
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Police Accountability: Current Issues and Research Needs , NIJ-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 218583. (36 pages).
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Police Attitudes Toward Abuse of Authority: Findings From a National Study, Research in Brief , NIJ, June 2000, NCJ 181312. (15 pages).
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Police Department and Police Officer Association Leaders' Perceptions of Community Policing: Describing the Nature and Extent of Agreement , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2004, NCJ 226315. (160 pages).
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Police Departments in Large Cities, 1990-2000 , BJS, May 2002, NCJ 175703. (16 pages).
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Police Discipline: A Case for Change , NIJ, June 2011, NCJ 234052. (27 pages).
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Police Encounters with Juvenile Suspects: Explaining the Use of Authority and Provision of Support, Executive Summary Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 205124. (17 pages).
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Police Encounters with Juvenile Suspects: Explaining the Use of Authority and Provision of Support, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 205125. (264 pages).
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Police Family Life Education Project (FLEP) Implementation, September 11, 1999, October 2, 1999, April 29, 2000 and June 24, 2000 and Follow-Up Surveys of Families Who Attended Each of the Classes -- Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 187858. (17 pages).
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Police Guide to Surveying Citizens and Their Environment , BJA, 1993, NCJ 143711. (109 pages).
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Police Innovation and Crime Prevention: Lessons Learned From Police Research Over the Past 20 Years , NIJ-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 218585. (32 pages).
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Police Innovations and the Structure of Informal Communication Between Police Agencies: Network and LEMAS Data , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2006, NCJ 216150. (112 pages).
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Police Integrity and Accountability in Philadelphia: Predicting and Assessing Police Misconduct , NIJ-Sponsored, 2004, NCJ 207823. (123 pages).
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Police Integrity: Public Service With Honor -- A Partnership Between the National Institute of Justice and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services , NIJ, January 1997, NCJ 163811. (100 pages).
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Police Intervention and the Repeat of Domestic Assault, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2005, NCJ 210301. (34 pages).
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Police Labor-Management Relations (Vol. I): Perspective and Practical Solutions for Implementing Change, Making Reforms, and Handling Crises for Managers and Union Leaders , COPS, October 2006, NCJ 215874. (204 pages).
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Police Labor-Management Relations (Vol. II): A Guide for Implementing Change, Making Reforms, and Handling Crises for Managers and Union Leaders , COPS, October 2006, NCJ 215875. (74 pages).
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Police Leadership Challenges in a Changing World , NIJ, July 2012, NCJ 238338. (24 pages).
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Police Model , OJJDP, February 1991, NCJ 142683. (21 pages).
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Police Officer Domestic Violence , NIJ-Sponsored, April 1999, NCJ 181409. (6 pages).
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Police Officers' Decision Making and Discretion: Forming Suspicion and Making a Stop , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2004, NCJ 213004. (151 pages).
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Police Organization and Management Issues for the Next Decade , NIJ-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 218584. (40 pages).
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Police Overtime: An Examination of Key Issues, Research in Brief , NIJ, May 1998, NCJ 167572. (8 pages).
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Police Perjury: A Factorial Survey , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 181241. (176 pages).
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Police Pursuit: Policies and Training, Research in Brief , NIJ, May 1997, NCJ 164831. (8 pages).
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Police Recruitment and Retention in the Contemporary Urban Environment , COPS, NIJ-Sponsored, July 2009, NCJ 233812. (48 pages).
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Police Response to Emotionally Disturbed Persons: Analyzing New Models of Police Interactions With the Mental Health System , NIJ-Sponsored, 1997, NCJ 179984. (79 pages).
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Police Response to Gangs: A Multi-Site Study , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2003, NCJ 205003. (523 pages).
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Police Responses to Officer-Involved Shootings , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 192286. (138 pages).
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Police Responses to Officer-Involved Shootings , NIJ, January 2006, NCJ 212266. (4 pages).
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Police Responses to Officer-Involved Shootings, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2001, NCJ 192285. (17 pages).
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Police Science: Toward a New Paradigm , NIJ, January 2011, NCJ 228922. (24 pages).
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Police Technical Assistance Manual , OJJDP, 1992, NCJ 142665. (67 pages).
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Police Turnover in Isolated Communities: The Alaska Experience , NIJ, January 2001, NCJ 186187. (8 pages).
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Police Use of Domestic Violence Information Systems, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, February 1997, NCJ 182435. (176 pages).
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Police Use of Force, Tasers and Other Less-Lethal Weapons , NIJ, May 2011, NCJ 232215. (28 pages).
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Police Use of Force: Collection of National Data , BJS, November 1997, NCJ 165040. (38 pages).
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Police Use of Force: The Impact of Less-Lethal Weapons and Tactics , NIJ, March 2011, NCJ 233281. (7 pages).
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Police Vehicle Evaluation Model Year 2007 , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2006, NCJ 218236. (126 pages).
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Police-Community Initiatives for Effective Law Enforcement in Rural Communities Project: Youth Supplemental Survey , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 179969. (45 pages).
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Police-Community Initiatives for Improved Relations in Rural Communities Project , NIJ-Sponsored, 1998, NCJ 194059. (167 pages).
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Police-Community Partnerships to Address Domestic Violence , COPS, March 2006, NCJ 213590. (81 pages).
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Police-Corrections Partnerships , NIJ, March 1999, NCJ 175047. (62 pages).
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Police-on-Police Shootings and the Puzzle of Unconscious Racial Bias - NIJ Research for the Real World Seminar , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234756.
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Police-Researcher Partnership: Building the Infrastructure for Effective Program Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, September 1998, NCJ 185727. (12 pages).
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Policing and Homicide, 1976-1998: Justifiable Homicide by Police, Police Officers Murdered by Felons , BJS, March 2001, NCJ 180987. (56 pages).
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Policing and Prosecuting Sexual Assault in Los Angeles City and County: A Collaborative Study in Partnership with the Los Angeles Police Department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2012, NCJ 237582. (532 pages).
Policing by Injunction: Problem-Oriented Dimensions of Civil Gang Abatement in the State of California , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 197138. (419 pages).
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Policing Drug Hot Spots , NIJ, January 1996, FS 000128.
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Policing in Arab-American Communities After September 11 , NIJ, July 2008, NCJ 221706. (15 pages).
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Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparing Firsthand Knowledge With Experience From the West , University of Maribor College of Police and Security, 2000, NCJ 170291. (750 pages).
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Policing in Emerging Democracies: Workshop Papers and Highlights , NIJ, October 1997, NCJ 167024. (113 pages).
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Policing in the United States: Developing a Comprehensive Empirical Model , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2005, NCJ 210830. (90 pages).
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Policing in Transition: Creating a Culture of Community Policing , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 181043. (63 pages).
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Policing Neighborhoods: A Report From Indianapolis , NIJ, July 1998, FS 000223.
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Policing Neighborhoods: A Report from St. Petersburg , NIJ, July 1999, FS 000245.
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Policing on American Indian Reservations , NIJ, January 2001, NCJ 186185. (6 pages).
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Policing on American Indian Reservations , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2000, NCJ 180774. (112 pages).
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Policing on American Indian Reservations (Revised September 2001) , NIJ, September 2001, NCJ 188095. (98 pages).
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Policing Smarter Through IT: Learning From Chicago's Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting (CLEAR) System , COPS, May 2004, NCJ 205698. (104 pages).
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Policing Smarter Through IT: Lessons in Enterprise Implementation , COPS, September 2004, NCJ 206752. (53 pages).
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Policing Terrorism: An Executive’s Guide , COPS, October 2008, NCJ 224516. (134 pages).
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Policy, Theory, and Research Lessons from an Evaluation of an Agricultural Crime Prevention Program , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 217908. (44 pages).
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Policymaker's Guide to Building Our Way Out of Crime: The Transformative Power of Police-Community Developer Partnership , COPS, June 2009, NCJ 227421. (88 pages).
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A Policymaker's Guide to Hate Crimes , BJA, March 1997, NCJ 162304. (79 pages).
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Politics of Criminal Law Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Lower Court Decision-Making , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 223283. (258 pages).
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Poly-Victimization Among Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: Manifestations & Associations to Delinquency , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2009, NCJ 228620. (51 pages).
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Polyvictimization: Children's Exposure to Multiple Types of Violence, Crime, and Abuse , OJJDP, October 2011, NCJ 235504. (12 pages).
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Population Genetics of SNPs for Forensic Purposes , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 223982. (80 pages).
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Population Genetics of SNPs for Forensic Purposes (Updated) , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2011, NCJ 236433. (103 pages).
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Portable Concealed Weapon Detection Using Millimeter Wave FMCW Radar Imaging , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2001, NCJ 189918. (27 pages).
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Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse , OJJDP, May 2007, LT000527.
Portable Guides to Investigating Child Abuse: An Overview , OJJDP, June 1997, NCJ 165153. (8 pages).
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Portable X-Ray Systems for Use in Bomb Identification: NIJ Standard-0603.01 , NIJ, December 2007, NCJ 218586. (29 pages).
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Post-Conviction DNA Testing , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2006, NCJ 220975. (3 pages).
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Post-Conviction DNA Testing and Wrongful Conviction , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2012, NCJ 238816. (69 pages).
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Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program Roundtable Summary , NIJ, June 2011, NCJ 236302. (37 pages).
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Postconviction DNA Testing: Recommendations for Handling Requests , NIJ, September 1999, NCJ 177626. (134 pages).
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Potential Models for Understanding Crime Impacts of High or Increasing Unoccupied Housing Rates in Unexpected Places, and How to Prevent Them , NIJ-Sponsored, 2009, NCJ 229914. (39 pages).
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Potential of Redemption in Criminal Background Checks , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2010, NCJ 232358. (58 pages).
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Potential Sources of Observer Bias in Observational Studies of Police , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 196678. (431 pages).
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Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2012, NCJ 237915. (71 pages).
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Power of Developmental Assets in Building Behavioral Adjustment Among Youth Exposed to Community Violence: A Multidisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Resilience, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2012, NCJ 237916. (25 pages).
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Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research: For Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges , NIJ, June 2009, NCJ 225722. (106 pages).
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Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part I: Law Enforcement , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 222319. (64 pages).
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Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part II: Prosecution , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 222320. (92 pages).
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Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research Part III: Judges , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 222321. (89 pages).
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A Practitioner Perspective on the Importance of Research - Interview at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234770.
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Pre-Incident Indicators of Terrorist Incidents: The Identification of Behavioral, Geographic, and Temporal Patterns of Preparatory Conduct , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2006, NCJ 214217. (539 pages).
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PREA Data Collection Activities, 2009 , BJS, July 2009, NCJ 227377. (2 pages).
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PREA Data Collection Activities, 2010 , BJS, June 2010, NCJ 230448. (4 pages).
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PREA Data Collection Activities, 2011 , BJS, May 2011, NCJ 234183. (4 pages).
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PREA Data Collection Activities, 2012 , BJS, June 2012, NCJ 238640. (4 pages).
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Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219769. (36 pages).
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Predicting a Criminal's Journey to Crime , NIJ, January 2006, NCJ 212264. (4 pages).
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Predicting Criminal Behavior Among Authorized Purchasers of Handguns , NIJ, April 1998, FS 000198.
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Predicting Levels of Abuse and Reassault Among Batterer Program Participants , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2004, NCJ 202997. (103 pages).
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Predicting Pretrial Misconduct With Drug Tests of Arrestees: Evidence From Six Sites, Research in Brief , NIJ, January 1996, NCJ 157108. (6 pages).
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Prediction and Control of Organized Crime: A Risk Assessment Instrument for Targeting Law Enforcement Efforts , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 199047. (43 pages).
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Predictive Policing: A Forecasting and Prevention Model - Interview at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234766.
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Predictors of Youth Violence , OJJDP, April 2000, NCJ 179065. (12 pages).
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Pregnancy-Associated Assault Hospitalizations Selected U.S. States, 1997: Exploring the Incidence and Risk for Hospitalized Assaults Against Women During Pregnancy , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2003, NCJ 199442. (126 pages).
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Preliminary Data on Drug Use and Related Matters Among Adult Arrestees and Juvenile Detainees, 2002 , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 200755. (39 pages).
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Preliminary Evaluation of SACSI in Winston-Salem: Summary of Findings , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2001, NCJ 202976. (14 pages).
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Preliminary Study of How Plea Bargaining Decisions by Prosecution and Defense Attorneys Are Affected by Eyewitness Factors , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2012, NCJ 238136. (46 pages).
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Preliminary Study of How Plea Bargaining Decisions by Prosecution and Defense Attorneys Are Affected by Eyewitness Factors, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2012, NCJ 238137. (9 pages).
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Prenatal and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation , OJJDP, November 1998, NCJ 172875. (12 pages).
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Preparing for the Drug Free Years , OJJDP, July 1999, NCJ 173408. (12 pages).
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Preparing for the Future: Criminal Justice in 2040 , NIJ, November 2006, NCJ 215456. (4 pages).
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Presale Firearm Checks , BJS, February 1997, NCJ 162787. (7 pages).
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Presale Handgun Checks, 1996 , BJS, September 1997, NCJ 165704. (6 pages).
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Presale Handgun Checks, 1997 , BJS, June 1998, NCJ 171130. (7 pages).
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Presale Handgun Checks, the Brady Interim Period, 1994-98 , BJS, June 1999, NCJ 175034. (11 pages).
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Prescription Fraud , COPS, May 2004, NCJ 205702. (68 pages).
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Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices , BJA, July 1999, NCJ 176341. (12 pages).
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Pretrial Innovations for Domestic Violence Offenders and Victims: Lessons From the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative , NIJ, August 2007, NCJ 216041. (15 pages).
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Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants in State Courts , BJS, November 2007, NCJ 214994. (12 pages).
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Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants, 1992: National Pretrial Reporting Program , BJS, November 1994, NCJ 148818. (16 pages).
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Pretrial Release of Latino Defendants, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 223852. (90 pages).
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Pretrial Services Programming at the Start of the 21st Century: A Survey of Pretrial Services Programs , BJA, July 2003, NCJ 199773. (118 pages).
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Pretrial Services Programs: Responsibilities and Potential , NIJ, March 2001, NCJ 181939. (129 pages).
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Prevalence and Consequences of Child Victimization: Results from the National Survey of Adolescents, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 1997, NCJ 181028. (113 pages).
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Prevalence and Consequences of Child Victimization. , NIJ, 1997, FS 000179.
Prevalence and Development of Child Delinquency , OJJDP, March 2003, NCJ 193411. (8 pages).
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Prevalence of Imprisonment in the U.S. Population, 1974-2001 , BJS, August 2003, NCJ 197976. (12 pages).
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Prevalence of Violent Crime Among Households with Children, 1993-2010 , BJS, September 2012, NCJ 238799. (18 pages).
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Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey, Research in Brief , NIJ, November 1998, NCJ 172837. (16 pages).
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Preventing Adolescent Gang Involvement , OJJDP, September 2000, NCJ 182210. (12 pages).
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Preventing and Addressing Sexual Abuse in Tribal Detention Facilities: A Policy Development Guide , BJA-Sponsored, October 2011, NCJ 238224. (76 pages).
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Preventing and Responding to Corrections-Based Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Community Corrections Professionals , BJA-Sponsored, December 2009, NCJ 238147. (74 pages).
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Preventing Children's Exposure to Violence: The Defending Childhood Initiative , NIJ, June 2012, NCJ 238485. (4 pages).
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Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn't, What's Promising: A Report To the United States Congress , NIJ, 1997, NCJ 165366. (522 pages).
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Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn't, What's Promising, Research in Brief , NIJ, 1998, NCJ 171676. (19 pages).
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Preventing Delinquency Through Improved Child Protection Services , OJJDP, July 2001, NCJ 187759. (20 pages).
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Preventing Drug Abuse Among Youth: An Overview of Community-, Family-, and School-Based Programs , OJJDP, June 1997, NCJ 165583.
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Preventing Firearms Violence Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of a New North Carolina Law , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2006, NCJ 215773. (134 pages).
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Preventing Future Crime With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , NIJ, April 2010, NCJ 229888. (3 pages).
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Preventing Gang and Drug-Related Witness Intimidation , NIJ, November 1996, NCJ 163067. (164 pages).
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Preventing Kids From Gang-Joining: Collaboration Matters - Interview with Tom Simon , NIJ, June 2011, NCJ 236390.
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Preventing Law Enforcement Officer Suicide: A Compilation of Resource and Best Practices CD-ROM ,  (CD-ROM), BJA, 2008, NCJ 224436.
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Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Reanalysis of Data From Three Field Tests , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2002, NCJ 200608. (44 pages).
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Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program in Redlands, CA , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219840. (47 pages).
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Preventing Repeat Incidents of Family Violence: A Randomized Field Test of a Second Responder Program in Redlands, CA--Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219841. (16 pages).
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Preventing School Shootings: A Summary of a U.S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report , NIJ, March 2002, NCJ 190633. (6 pages).
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Preventing School Violence: Plenary Papers of the 1999 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation--Enhancing Policy and Practice Through Research, Volume 2 , NIJ, 2000, NCJ 180972. (64 pages).
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Preventing Violence the Problem-Solving Way , OJJDP, April 1999, NCJ 172847. (12 pages).
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Prevention of Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending , OJJDP, April 2000, NCJ 178898. (16 pages).
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Primer on Body-Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2012, NCJ 239647. (28 pages).
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Principles and Promises: BJA's Plan for the Future , BJA, February 2003, NCJ 197078. (23 pages).
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Principles for Promoting Police Integrity: Examples of Promising Police Practices and Policies , OJP, 2001, NCJ 186189. (21 pages).
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Principles of Community Justice: A Guide for Community Court Planners , BJA-Sponsored, 2010, NCJ 232968. (20 pages).
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Principles of Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court ,  (CD-ROM), NIJ, February 2006, NCJ 212399.
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Principles of Problem-Solving Justice , BJA-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 234803. (16 pages).
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Prior Abuse Reported by Inmates and Probationers , BJS, April 1999, NCJ 172879. (4 pages).
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Prison and Jail Deaths in Custody, 2000-2009-Statistical Tables , BJS, December 2011, NCJ 236219. (34 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1996 , BJS, January 1997, NCJ 162843. (11 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1997 , BJS, January 1998, NCJ 167247. (11 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1998 , BJS, March 1999, NCJ 173414. (11 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1999 , BJS, April 2000, NCJ 181643. (12 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2000 , BJS, March 2001, NCJ 185989. (12 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2001 , BJS, April 2002, NCJ 191702. (16 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2002 , BJS, April 2003, NCJ 198877. (14 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2003 , BJS, May 2004, NCJ 203947. (14 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2004 , BJS, April 2005, NCJ 208801. (14 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2006 , BJS, June 2007, NCJ 217675. (12 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates, 1995 , BJS, August 1996, NCJ 161132. (16 pages).
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Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2005 , BJS, May 2006, NCJ 213133. (13 pages).
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Prison Deviance as a Predictor of General Deviance: Some Correlational Evidence From Project GANGMILL , NCJ 199862. (11 pages).
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Prison Experience and Reentry: Examining the Impact of Victimization on Coming Home , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2010, NCJ 238083. (175 pages).
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Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program , BJA, 1995.
Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program , BJA, March 2004, NCJ 203483. (4 pages).
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Prison Inmates at Midyear 2007 , BJS, June 2008, NCJ 221944. (24 pages).
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Prison Inmates at Midyear 2008--Statistical Tables , BJS, March 2009, NCJ 225619. (24 pages).
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Prison Inmates at Midyear 2009 - Statistical Tables , BJS, June 2010, NCJ 230113. (28 pages).
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Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): Cost Impact Analysis , OJP, June 2010, NCJ 234236. (414 pages).
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Prison Rape: A Critical Review of the Literature, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2004, NCJ 213365. (71 pages).
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Prison Sentences and Time Served for Violence , BJS, April 1995, NCJ 153858. (3 pages).
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Prison Staffing Analysis: A Training Manual With Staffing Considerations for Special Populations , NIC, February 2009, NCJ 225721. (233 pages).
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Prisoner Petitions Filed in U.S. District Courts, 2000, with Trends, 1980-2000 , BJS, December 2001, NCJ 189430. (9 pages).
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Prisoner Petitions in the Federal Courts, 1980-96 , BJS, October 1997, NCJ 164615. (20 pages).
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Prisoner Reentry and Community Policing: Strategies for Enhancing Public Safety , COPS, March 2006, NCJ 213801. (94 pages).
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Prisoner Reentry Experiences of Adult Females: Characteristics, Service Receipt, and Outcomes of Participants in the SVORI Multi-Site Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2009, NCJ 230420. (179 pages).
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Prisoner Reentry Experiences of Adult Males: Characteristics, Service Receipt, and Outcomes of Participants in the SVORI Multi-site Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2009, NCJ 230419. (204 pages).
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Prisoner Reentry Services: What Worked for SVORI Evaluation Participants? , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2012, NCJ 238214. (560 pages).
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Prisoner Reentry: Facing the Challenges of Returning Home - Expert Chat Webinar, NIJ and Harvard's Government Innovators Network , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2005, NCJ 234736.
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Prisoners at Midyear 1995 , BJS, December 1995, NCJ 158021. (9 pages).
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Prisoners at Yearend, 2009 - Advance Counts , BJS, June 2010, NCJ 230189. (7 pages).
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Prisoners in 1993 , BJS, June 1994, NCJ 147036. (12 pages).
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Prisoners in 1994 , BJS, August 1995, NCJ 151654. (16 pages).
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Prisoners in 1996 , BJS, June 1997, NCJ 164619. (15 pages).
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Prisoners in 1997 , BJS, August 1998, NCJ 170014. (15 pages).
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Prisoners in 1998 , BJS, August 1999, NCJ 175687. (16 pages).
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Prisoners in 1999 , BJS, August 2000, NCJ 183476. (16 pages).
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Prisoners in 2000 , BJS, August 2001, NCJ 188207. (16 pages).
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Prisoners in 2001 , BJS, July 2002, NCJ 195189. (15 pages).
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Prisoners in 2002 , BJS, July 2003, NCJ 200248. (14 pages).
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Prisoners in 2003 , BJS, November 2004, NCJ 205335. (13 pages).
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Prisoners in 2004 , BJS, October 2005, NCJ 210677. (16 pages).
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Prisoners in 2005 , BJS, November 2006, NCJ 215092. (13 pages).
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Prisoners in 2006 , BJS, December 2007, NCJ 219416. (26 pages).
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Prisoners in 2007 , BJS, December 2008, NCJ 224280. (26 pages).
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Prisoners in 2008 , BJS, December 2009, NCJ 228417. (46 pages).
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Prisoners in 2009 , BJS, December 2010, NCJ 231675. (38 pages).
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Prisoners in 2010 , BJS, December 2011, NCJ 236096. (38 pages).
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Prisons Research at the Beginning of the 21st Century , NIJ, September 2000, NCJ 184478. (13 pages).
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Privacy and Juvenile Justice Records: A Mid-Decade Status Report , BJS, May 1997, NCJ 161255. (55 pages).
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Privacy in the Information Age: A Guide for Sharing Crime Maps and Spatial Data , NIJ, July 2001, NCJ 188739. (62 pages).
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Privacy of Victims' Counseling Communications , OVC, November 2002, NCJ 192264. (8 pages).
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Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Compliance Verification for the Intelligence Enterprise , BJA-Sponsored, June 2010, NCJ 233421. (52 pages).
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Privacy, Technology and Criminal Justice Information: Public Attitudes Toward Uses of Criminal History Information, Summary of Survey Findings , BJS, 2000, NCJ 184654. (93 pages).
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Private Security Industry: A Review of the Definitions, Available Data Sources, and Paths Moving Forward , BJS-Sponsored, December 2010, NCJ 232781. (98 pages).
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Private Versus Public Sector Operation: A Comparison of the Environmental Quality in Juvenile Correctional Facilities, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 194119. (186 pages).
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Probation and Parole in 1999 -- Press Release , BJS, July 2000, NCJ 183508. (6 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 1998 , BJS, August 1999, NCJ 178234. (8 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2008 , BJS, December 2009, NCJ 228230. (61 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2000 , BJS, August 2001, NCJ 188208. (6 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2001 , BJS, August 2002, NCJ 195669. (8 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2002 , BJS, August 2003, NCJ 201135. (8 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2003 , BJS, July 2004, NCJ 205336. (8 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2004 , BJS, November 2005, NCJ 210676. (10 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2006 , BJS, December 2007, NCJ 220218. (12 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2007 Statistical Tables , BJS, December 2008, NCJ 224707. (10 pages).
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Probation and Parole in the United States, 2009 , BJS, December 2010, NCJ 231674. (44 pages).
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Probation Model , OJJDP, September 1990, NCJ 142681. (16 pages).
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Probation: Technical Assistance Manual , OJJDP, 1992, NCJ 142667. (84 pages).
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Problem Analysis in Policing , COPS, April 2003, NCJ 200170. (68 pages).
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Problem Behaviors in Maltreated Children and Youth: Influential Child, Peer, and Caregiver Characteristics , NIJ-Sponsored, 2004, NCJ 208860. (162 pages).
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Problem Oriented Policing, Case Studies , NIJ-Sponsored, 1998, NCJ 193801. (97 pages).
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Problem Oriented Policing: Reflections on the First 20 Years , COPS, 2002, NCJ 194043. (214 pages).
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Problem Solving in Practice: Implementing Community Policing in Chicago , NIJ, April 2000, NCJ 179556. (40 pages).
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Problem-Solving Partnerships: Including the Community for a Change , COPS, 2002, NCJ 194008. (8 pages).
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Problem-Oriented Drug Enforcement: A Community-Based Approach for Effective Policing , BJA, October 1993, NCJ 143710. (83 pages).
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Problem-Oriented Guides for Police, Version 2.0 CD-ROM , COPS, March 2009, NCJ 226644.
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Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: Final Report of the Jersey City Project , NIJ-Sponsored, 1998, NCJ 179985. (83 pages).
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Problem-Oriented Policing: Reflections on the First 20 Years , COPS, September 2000, NCJ 209246. (219 pages).
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Problem-Solving Tips: A Guide To Reducing Crime And Disorder Through Problem-Solving Partnerships , COPS, June 2002, NCJ 196527. (50 pages).
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Proceedings of Persistently Safe Schools October 29-31, 2007 Washington, DC , OJJDP-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 226233. (308 pages).
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Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group Meetings, 1997 and 1998 , NIJ, May 1999, NCJ 175709. (305 pages).
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, Winter 2006 , NIC, January 2006, NCJ 213574. (69 pages).
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting: March 2012 , NIC, April 2012, NCJ 238575. (72 pages).
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Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting: September 2011 , NIC, October 2011, NCJ 238574. (83 pages).
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Process Analysis of GDC RSAT Program, Draft Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2000, NCJ 189586. (180 pages).
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Process and Impact Evaluation of the Agricultural Crime, Technology, Information, and Operations Network (ACTION) Program , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 217906. (192 pages).
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Process and Outcome Evaluations in Four Tribal Wellness Courts , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2005, NCJ 231167. (18 pages).
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Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Blackfeet Alternative Court , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2005, NCJ 231161. (115 pages).
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Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Fort Peck Tribes Community Wellness Court , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2005, NCJ 231162. (149 pages).
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Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Hualapai Wellness Court , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2005, NCJ 231165. (144 pages).
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Process and Outcome Evaluations of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Drug Court , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2005, NCJ 231166. (107 pages).
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Process Assessment of Correctional Treatment (PACT), Final Project Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 184506. (45 pages).
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Process Assessment of Correctional Treatment (PACT), Summary Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 184507. (31 pages).
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Process Evaluation Assessing the Gender Appropriateness of the KEY/CREST Program, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2002, NCJ 195788. (132 pages).
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Process Evaluation of a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners: The W.J. Maxey Boys Training School , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2000, NCJ 181402. (135 pages).
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Process Evaluation of an Effort to Engage Police in Alternative Responses to Neighborhood Drug Problems, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2005, NCJ 209265. (70 pages).
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Process Evaluation of Recent Juvenile Transfer Statutes in Virginia, Volume I Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 194126. (115 pages).
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Process Evaluation of Summit House: A Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program of the New Hampshire Department of Corrections , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 195795. (122 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Crossroad to Freedom House and Peer I Therapeutic Communities , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2001, NCJ 192290. (75 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Forever Free Substance Abuse Treatment Program , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2000, NCJ 183013. (244 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Genesis Program at the Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 179986. (32 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Michigan Department of Corrections' Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2000, NCJ 181650. (80 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Pueblo Domestic Violence Project: July 1999 -- Pueblo, Colorado , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2000, NCJ 201885. (27 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Programs at New Jersey Correctional Facilities: Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 189249. (126 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program at the Minnesota Department of Corrections-Red Wing Facility, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2001, NCJ 188093. (126 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Rhode Island Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT): The Operations of a Minimum-Security Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 189585. (56 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission's Chemical Dependency Treatment Program - Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2000, NCJ 182367. (45 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Therapeutic Community Initiative at the Illinois Department of Corrections' Illinois Youth Center-St. Charles, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2000, NCJ 186737. (188 pages).
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Process Evaluation of the Wisconsin Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for Female Prisoners: The Women in Need of Substance Abuse Treatment (WINSAT) Program , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2000, NCJ 183647. (116 pages).
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Process Evaluation of Tier 4 Connecticut: Department of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 192996. (95 pages).
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Process the Crime Scene With Facts , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2010, NCJ 231550. (2 pages).
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Processes of Resistance in Domestic Violence Offenders , NIJ-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 223620. (99 pages).
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Processing and Outcomes of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases in Three Sites , OJJDP-Sponsored, March 2005, NCJ 210274. (217 pages).
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Profile of Inmates in the United States and in England and Wales - 1991 , BJS, October 1994, NCJ 145863. (23 pages).
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Profile of Intimate Partner Violence Cases in Large Urban Counties , BJS, October 2009, NCJ 228193. (12 pages).
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Profile of Jail Inmates 1996 , BJS, April 1998, NCJ 164620. (16 pages).
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Profile of Jail Inmates, 2002 , BJS, July 2004, NCJ 201932. (12 pages).
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Profile of Nonviolent Offenders Exiting State Prison , BJS, October 2004, NCJ 207081. (4 pages).
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Profile of State Prisoners Under Age 18, 1985-97 , BJS, February 2000, NCJ 176989. (12 pages).
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Profiles, Predictors, and Minority Overrepresentation in Jurisdictional Decisions for Maryland Youths: A Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2003, NCJ 205509. (82 pages).
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Profiling Inmates in the Los Angeles County Jails: Risks, Recidivism, and Release Options , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2000, NCJ 189733. (107 pages).
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Profiling Police: Evaluating the Predictive and Structural Validity of an Actuarial Method for Screening Civil Liabilities Among Police Officer Candidates , NIJ-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 214121. (32 pages).
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Profiling the Needs of Young Female Offenders: A Protocol and Pilot Study , NIJ-Sponsored, 1997, NCJ 179988. (142 pages).
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Profiling the Needs of Young Female Offenders: Instrument Development and Pilot Study - Final Report, April 2000 , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 182737. (143 pages).
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Program Evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Residential Therapeutic Community for Women Offenders in Washington State, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2001, NCJ 196670. (131 pages).
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Program for the Reduction of Stress for New York City Police Officers and Their Families, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, December 1998, NCJ 185845. (74 pages).
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Programs in Correctional Settings: Innovative State and Local Programs , BJA, June 1998, NCJ 170088. (133 pages).
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Project ChildSafe , BJA, May 2004, NCJ 204959. (4 pages).
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Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods: A Research Update , NIJ, 1997, NCJ 163603. (5 pages).
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Project Re-Enterprise: A Texas Program , NIJ, 1996, NCJ 161448. (16 pages).
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Project Safe Neighborhoods: America's Network Against Gun Violence , BJA, June 2004, NCJ 205263. (9 pages).
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Project Safe Neighborhoods - A National Program to Reduce Gun Crime: Final Project Report , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2009, NCJ 226686. (230 pages).
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Promising Practices Against Hate Crimes: Five State and Local Demonstration Projects , BJA, May 2000, NCJ 181425. (28 pages).
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Promising Practices and Strategies for Victim Services in Corrections , OVC, 1999, NCJ 166605. (172 pages).
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Promising Practices and Strategies to Reduce Alcohol and Substance Abuse Among American Indians and Alaska Natives , OJP, August 2000, NCJ 183930. (55 pages).
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Promising Practices in Providing Pretrial Services Functions Within Probation Agencies: A User’s Guide , BJA-Sponsored, June 2010, NCJ 238225. (36 pages).
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Promising Practices in Serving Crime Victims With Disabilities (Bulletin) , OVC, October 2008, NCJ 223965. (15 pages).
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Promising Practices for Serving Crime Victims With Disabilities (Toolkit) , OVC, October 2008, NCJ 223966. (7 pages).
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Promising Strategies from the Field: A National Overview , COPS, March 2003, NCJ 199265. (58 pages).
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Promising Strategies from the Field: Community Policing in Smaller Jurisdictions , COPS, September 2003, NCJ 202694. (62 pages).
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Promising Strategies from the Field: Spotlight on Sheriffs , COPS, March 2003, NCJ 199266. (41 pages).
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Promising Strategies To Reduce Gun Violence , OJJDP, February 1999, NCJ 173950. (262 pages).
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Promising Strategies To Reduce Substance Abuse , OJP, September 2000, NCJ 183152. (94 pages).
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Promising Victim-Related Practices and Strategies in Probation and Parole , OVC, 1999, NCJ 166606. (301 pages).
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Promoting Cooperative Strategies To Reduce Racial Profiling , COPS, October 2008, NCJ 224525. (86 pages).
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Promoting Effective Homicide Investigations , COPS, August 2007, NCJ 221792. (188 pages).
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Promoting Partnerships for Public Safety: FY 2002 Annual Report to Congress on Initiatives Funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance , BJA, December 2003, NCJ 200252. (83 pages).
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Promoting Safety in Schools: International Experience and Action , BJA, August 2001, NCJ 186937. (68 pages).
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Property Abatements—The Other Gang Injunction: Project T.O.U.G.H. , BJA-Sponsored, September 2009, NCJ 234961. (18 pages).
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Proposal to Help Convene Three Policy Forums on Crime Issues for State Policy Makers , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2001, NCJ 187673. (95 pages).
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Proposed Methods for Measuring DMC as Required by the 2002 JJDP Act: An Overview of the DMC Relative Rate Index ,  (Videotape), OJJDP, August 2003, NCJ 205291.
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Prosecuting Cases of Elder Abuse - Panel Discussion at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234757.
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Prosecuting Child Physical Abuse Cases: Lessons Learned From the San Diego Experience , NIJ, May 1995, NCJ 184386. (2 pages).
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Prosecuting Criminal Enterprises , BJS, August 1993, NCJ 142524. (12 pages).
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Prosecuting Elder Abuse Cases , NIJ, April 2010, NCJ 229884. (2 pages).
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Prosecuting Gangs: A National Assessment, Research in Brief , NIJ, February 1995, NCJ 151785. (12 pages).
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Prosecuting Human Trafficking Cases: Lessons Learned and Promising Practices , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2008, NCJ 223972. (94 pages).
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Prosecution in the Community: A Study of Emergent Strategies--A Cross Site Analysis , NIJ-Sponsored, September 1998, NCJ 187105. (356 pages).
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Prosecution Strategies in Domestic Violence Felonies: Anticipating and Meeting Defense Claims, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 1998, NCJ 194075. (149 pages).
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Prosecution Strategies in Domestic Violence Felonies: Telling the Story of Domestic Violence, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, April 1998, NCJ 194074. (16 pages).
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Prosecutor: Technical Assistance Manual , OJJDP, 1992, NCJ 142669. (56 pages).
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Prosecutors in State Courts, 1992 , BJS, December 1993, NCJ 145319. (12 pages).
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Prosecutors in State Courts, 1994 , BJS, October 1996, NCJ 151656. (16 pages).
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Prosecutors in State Courts, 1996 , BJS, July 1998, NCJ 170092. (10 pages).
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Prosecutors in State Courts, 2001 , BJS, May 2002, NCJ 193441. (12 pages).
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Prosecutors in State Courts, 2005 , BJS, July 2006, NCJ 213799. (12 pages).
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Prosecutors in State Courts, 2007 - Statistical Tables , BJS, December 2011, NCJ 234211. (12 pages).
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Prosecutors Model , OJJDP, February 1991, NCJ 142679. (14 pages).
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Prosecutors' Charging Decisions in Sexual Assault Cases: A Multi-Site Study, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 197048. (125 pages).
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Prosecutors' Programs Ease Victims' Anxieties , NIJ, July 2005, NCJ 208709. (3 pages).
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Prosecutors, Kids, and Domestic Violence Cases , NIJ, March 2002, NCJ 190632. (8 pages).
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Prostitution of Juveniles: Patterns From NIBRS , OJJDP, June 2004, NCJ 203946. (12 pages).
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Protecting America's Ports: Promising Practices , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 221075. (122 pages).
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Protecting Children in Cyberspace: The ICAC Task Force Program , OJJDP, January 2002, NCJ 191213. (8 pages).
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Protecting Civil Rights: A Leadership Guide for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement , COPS, September 2006, NCJ 215876. (267 pages).
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Protecting Judicial Officials: Implementing an Effective Threat Management Process , BJA, June 2006, NCJ 213930. (8 pages).
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Protecting Our Protectors: Using Science to Improve Officer Safety and Wellness Brochure , NIJ, May 2012, BC000786.
Protecting Your Community From Terrorism: Strategies for Local Law Enforcement, Volume 2: Working with Diverse Communities , COPS, March 2004, NCJ 207079. (89 pages).
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Protecting Your Community From Terrorism: Strategies for Local Law Enforcement, Volume 3: Preparing for and Responding to Bioterrorism , COPS, September 2004, NCJ 207080. (94 pages).
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Protecting Your Community From Terrorism: Strategies for Local Law Enforcement, Volume 1: Local-Federal Partnerships , COPS, March 2003, NCJ 200297. (120 pages).
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Protecting your Community from Terrorism: Strategies for Local Law Enforcement, Volume 4: The Production and Sharing of Intelligence , COPS, February 2005, NCJ 208970. (77 pages).
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Protecting Your Community From Terrorism: Strategies for Local Law Enforcement, Volume 5: Partnerships To Promote Homeland Security , COPS, November 2005, NCJ 212428. (108 pages).
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Protective Intelligence Threat Assessment Investigation: A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement Officials , NIJ, July 1998, NCJ 170612. (69 pages).
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Protective Order Enforcement Team (POET) Evaluation, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2003, NCJ 203980. (266 pages).
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Providing a Citywide System of Single Point Access to Domestic Violence Information, Resources, and Referrals to a Diverse Population: An Evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line , NIJ-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 214650. (182 pages).
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Providing Effective Representation for Youth Prosecuted as Adults , BJA, August 2000, NCJ 182502. (7 pages).
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Providing Relief to Families After a Mass Fatality: Roles of the Medical Examiner's Office and the Family Assistance Center , OVC, November 2002, NCJ 188912. (19 pages).
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Providing Services for Jail Inmates With Mental Disorders, Research in Brief , NIJ, January 1997, NCJ 162207. (10 pages).
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Providing Services to Victims of Fraud: Resources for Victim/Witness Coordinators , OVC, July 1998, NCJ 170594. (197 pages).
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Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations , OVC, September 2006, NCJ 212293. (20 pages).
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Psychiatric Disorders of Youth in Detention , OJJDP, April 2006, NCJ 210331. (16 pages).
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Psychoactive Substances and Violence, Research in Brief , NIJ, 1994, NCJ 145534. (8 pages).
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Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Bias and Non-Bias Motivated Assault, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, December 1999, NCJ 192010. (193 pages).
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Public Attitudes Toward Uses of Criminal History Information: A Privacy, Technology, and Criminal Justice Information Report, Summary of Survey Findings , BJS, July 2001, NCJ 187663. (78 pages).
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Public Defender Offices, 2007 - Statistical Tables , BJS, November 2009, NCJ 228538. (17 pages).
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Public Defenders in the Neighborhood: A Harlem Law Office Stresses Teamwork, Early Investigation , NIJ, March 1997, NCJ 163061. (12 pages).
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Public Defense Reform Since Gideon: Improving the Administration of Justice By Building On Our Successes and Learning From Our Failures: A Public Defense Leadership Focus Group , BJA, June 2010, NCJ 230794. (34 pages).
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Public Domain Drug Court Software: Functions and Utility , BJA, February 2003, NCJ 197258. (69 pages).
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Public Health/Corrections Collaborations: Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB, Research in Brief , NIJ, 1998, NCJ 169590. (19 pages).
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Public Hearing on Victim Issues in Probation and Parole Recommendation Report , OVC-Sponsored, August 2010, NCJ 235384. (15 pages).
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Public Involvement: Community Policing in Chicago , NIJ, September 2000, NCJ 179557. (36 pages).
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Public Law 280 and Law Enforcement in Indian Country--Research Priorities, Research in Brief , NIJ, December 2005, NCJ 209839. (20 pages).
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Public Opinion About Domestic Violence , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2001, NCJ 198319. (187 pages).
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Public Opinions of the Police: The Influence of Friends, Family, and News Media , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2003, NCJ 205619. (164 pages).
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Public Safety Bomb Suit Certification Program Requirements NIJ CR-0117.00 , NIJ, March 2012, NCJ 237910. (23 pages).
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Public Safety Bomb Suit Standard, NIJ Standard-0117.00 , NIJ, March 2012, NCJ 227357. (87 pages).
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Public Safety Communications and Interoperability , NIJ, May 2007, NCJ 214331. (2 pages).
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Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Educational Assistance Program , BJA, 2011, FS 000361.
Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Emergency Cards , BJA, 2010.
Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Poster , BJA, 2010.
Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program: Attorney General's Guide to the Hometown Heroes Survivors' Benefits Act , BJA, April 2010, NCJ 230347. (23 pages).
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Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program: Hometown Heroes Checklist for Law Enforcement , BJA, 2010.
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Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Fact Sheet , BJA, April 2011, NCJ 203194. (2 pages).
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Public Service Announcement Partner Kit , OVC, March 2005, NCJ 231305.
Public/Private Ventures' Evaluation of Faith-Based Programs , OJJDP, November 2001, NCJ 192692. (2 pages).
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Publishing the Documents of the Lyon Group of Senior Experts on Transnational Crime and G8 Videoconferencing Support, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 192293. (40 pages).
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Punitive Damage Awards in Large Counties, 2001 , BJS, March 2005, NCJ 208445. (9 pages).
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Punitive Damage Awards in State Courts, 2005 , BJS, March 2011, NCJ 233094. (12 pages).
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Pursuit Management Task Force , NIJ, August 1998, FS 000225.
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Putting 100,000 Officers on the Street: A Survey-Based Assessment of the Federal COPS Program , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2003, NCJ 200521. (38 pages).
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Putting the Pieces Together: Practical Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices , NIC, March 2011, NCJ 234057. (90 pages).
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