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B.J. Learns About Federal and Tribal Court: Instructors Guide , OVC, December 1996, NCJ 183473. (12 pages).
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Back on Track: A Problem-Solving Reentry Court , BJA, September 2009, FS 000316.
Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 1999 , BJS, 2000, NCJ 180882. (9 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2000 , BJS, July 2001, NCJ 187985. (11 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2001 , BJS, September 2002, NCJ 195235. (12 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2002 , BJS, September 2003, NCJ 200116. (12 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2003: Trends for the Permanent Brady Period, 1999-2003 , BJS, September 2004, NCJ 204428. (15 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2004 , BJS, October 2005, NCJ 210117. (12 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2005 , BJS, November 2006, NCJ 214256. (12 pages).
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Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2009 - Statistical Tables , BJS, October 2010, NCJ 231679. (21 pages).
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Backlogs and Their Impact on the Criminal Justice System - Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234786.
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Bad Cops: A Study of Career-Ending Misconduct Among New York City Police Officers , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2005, NCJ 215795. (422 pages).
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Balanced and Restorative Justice , OJJDP, October 1994, NCJ 149727. (21 pages).
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Balanced and Restorative Justice for Juveniles: A Framework for Juvenile Justice in the 21st Century , OJJDP, August 1997, NCJ 169691. (70 pages).
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Balanced and Restorative Justice Project (BARJ) , OJJDP, July 1996, FS 9642. (2 pages).
Ballistic Fibers: A Review of the Thermal, Ultraviolet, and Hydrolytic Stability of the Benzoxazole Ring Structure , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2006, NCJ 234317. (12 pages).
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Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.06 , NIJ, July 2008, NCJ 223054. (89 pages).
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Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard-0101.04 , NIJ, September 2000, NCJ 183651. (65 pages).
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Ballistic-Resistant Vest Standards - Interview at the 2012 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2012, NCJ 239715.
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Ballistics Matching Using 3D Images of Bullets and Cartridge Cases: Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 182567. (55 pages).
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Ballistics Matching Using 3D Images of Bullets and Cartridge Cases: Project Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 182566. (11 pages).
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Baltimore's Comprehensive Communities Program: A Case Study , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2004, NCJ 204627. (74 pages).
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Bank Robbery , COPS, April 2007, NCJ 218074. (88 pages).
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Banking Low-Risk Offenders: Is It a Good Investment? , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2002, NCJ 201304. (85 pages).
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Barnstable House of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: A Process Evaluation, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2000, NCJ 186733. (7 pages).
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Barnstable House of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: A Process Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2000, NCJ 186736. (78 pages).
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Barrett Juvenile Correctional Center: Is it Effective? A Comparison of Youth Released From a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Center to Youth at a Traditional Juvenile Correctional Center, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2002, NCJ 196668. (65 pages).
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Baseline Psychpathology in a Women's Prison: Its Impact on Institutional Adjustment and Risk for Violence , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2001, NCJ 198621. (165 pages).
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Battered Child Syndrome: Investigating Physical Abuse and Homicide , OJJDP, December 2002, NCJ 161406. (20 pages).
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Batterer Intervention Programs: Where Do We Go From Here? , NIJ, June 2003, NCJ 195079. (35 pages).
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Batterer Intervention Systems in California: An Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 230702. (151 pages).
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Batterer Intervention: Program Approaches and Criminal Justice Strategies , NIJ, 1998, NCJ 168638. (214 pages).
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Batterer Programs: What Criminal Justice Agencies Need to Know , NIJ, 1998, NCJ 171683. (12 pages).
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Beacons of Hope: New York City's School-Based Community Centers , NIJ, 1996, NCJ 157667. (16 pages).
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Behavioral Sciences Video Resources for Native American, Rural and Other Under-Served Police Departments , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2003, NCJ 204027. (87 pages).
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Behind the Badge: Management Guidelines for Impacts to Body Armor , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2011, NCJ 233645. (3 pages).
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Being Smart on Crime With Evidence-Based Policing , NIJ, March 2012, NCJ 237723. (4 pages).
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Benchmarks for Developing a Law Enforcement Pandemic Flu Plan , BJA-Sponsored, October 2009, NCJ 229056. (63 pages).
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Benefit-Cost Analysis for Crime Policy - Interview with Dr. Jens Ludwig , NIJ, February 2011, NCJ 234745.
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Benefit-Cost Analysis for Crime Policy - NIJ Research for the Real World Seminar , NIJ, February 2011, NCJ 234744.
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Benefit-Cost Analysis of Supermax Prisons: Critical Steps and Considerations , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2004, NCJ 211972. (51 pages).
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Benefits and Consequences of Police Crackdowns , COPS, August 2006, NCJ 201916. (94 pages).
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Best Practices for Emergency Vehicle and Roadway Operations Safety in the Emergency Services , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2010, NCJ 231555. (164 pages).
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Best Practices in Juvenile Accountability: Overview , OJJDP, April 2003, NCJ 184745. (12 pages).
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Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model , OJJDP, June 2008, NCJ 222799.
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Best Practices To Address Community Gang Problems: OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model, Second Edition , OJJDP, October 2010, NCJ 231200. (63 pages).
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Beyond Arrest: The Portland, Oregon Domestic Violence Experiment, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, December 1999, NCJ 179968. (196 pages).
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Beyond Bean Counting: New Approaches for Managing Crime Data , BJS, January 1988, NCJ 109925. (32 pages).
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Beyond Big Cities: The Problem-Solving Innovations of Community Prosecutors in Smaller Jurisdictions , BJA, 2004, NCJ 213474. (24 pages).
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Beyond Community Policing: The Importance of Community Building - Interview with Michael Davis , NIJ, June 2011, NCJ 236441.
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Beyond the Prison Bubble , NIJ, October 2011, NCJ 235893. (6 pages).
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Beyond the Walls: Improving Conditions of Confinement for Youth in Custody , OJJDP, January 1998, NCJ 164727. (120 pages).
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Bicycle Theft , COPS, June 2008, NCJ 224518. (86 pages).
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Biennial Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of Grant Programs Under the Violence Against Women Act, 2006 , OVW, November 2007, NCJ 221036. (155 pages).
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Biennial 2004 Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of Grant Programs Under the Violence Against Women ACT , OVW, July 2006, NCJ 214641. (35 pages).
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Bin Laden, Crime and Opportunism , Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption, November 2001, NCJ 193998. (13 pages).
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Biometric Authentication Credential in the Criminal Justice System - Applications to Access Control , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2004, NCJ 237332. (100 pages).
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Biometric Basics , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2007, NCJ 219594. (3 pages).
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BJA 2008 Annual Report to Congress , BJA, November 2009, NCJ 228734. (60 pages).
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BJA 2009 Annual Report to Congress: Solutions for Safer Communities , BJA, October 2010, NCJ 230348. (108 pages).
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BJA FY 2010 Annual Report to Congress: Solutions for Safer Communities , BJA, 2010, NCJ 235702. (80 pages).
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BJA Firearms Trafficking Program: Demonstrating Effective Strategies to Control Violent Crime , BJA, 1997, NCJ 166818. (7 pages).
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Black Crime -- A Police View , OJP, 1977, NCJ 043215. (178 pages).
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Black Victims of Violent Crime , BJS, August 2007, NCJ 214258. (12 pages).
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Blood on Black-Enhanced Visualization of Bloodstains on Dark Surfaces , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2009, NCJ 227840. (92 pages).
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Blueprints: A Violence Prevention Initiative , OJJDP, June 1999, FS 99110. (2 pages).
Blueprints for Violence Prevention , OJJDP, July 2004, NCJ 204274. (180 pages).
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Blueprints for Violence Prevention , OJJDP, July 2001, NCJ 187079. (16 pages).
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BJA/PERF Body Armor National Survey: Protecting the Nation's Law Enforcement Officers, Phase II Final Report , BJA-Sponsored, September 2009, NCJ 229250. (72 pages).
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Body Armor Safety Initiative: To Protect and Serve... Better , NIJ, July 2006, NCJ 214112. (5 pages).
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Body Armor Video for Officers , NIJ, March 2012, NCJ 237972.
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Body Armor Video for Procurement , NIJ, March 2012, NCJ 237973.
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Body Mass Estimation From the Human Skeleton , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2008, NCJ 227932. (150 pages).
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Bolder Management for Public Defense: Leadership in Three Dimensions , BJA, November 2001, NCJ 187768. (6 pages).
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Bomb Threats in Schools , COPS, July 2006, NCJ 208971. (75 pages).
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Boot Camp Drug Treatment and Aftercare Interventions: An Evaluation Review, Research in Brief , NIJ, 1995, NCJ 155062. (15 pages).
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Boot Camp Planning Grants: An Analysis of Correctional Program Planning, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 192009. (88 pages).
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Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders: Program Summary , OJJDP, September 1997, NCJ 164258. (53 pages).
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Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders: An Implementation Evaluation of Three Demonstration Programs , NIJ, 1996, NCJ 157316. (122 pages).
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Boot Camps for Juvenile Offenders: An Implementation Evaluation of Three Demonstration Programs, Research in Brief , NIJ, 1996, NCJ 157317. (9 pages).
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Boot Camps' Impact on Confinement Bed Space Requirements, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, August 1999, NCJ 189788. (69 pages).
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Boston Police Department's Strategic Planning Process: Phase One, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 181082. (175 pages).
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Boston's Comprehensive Communities Program: A Case Study, 2004 , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2004, NCJ 204680. (66 pages).
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Box Set: Evidence-Based Principles for Reducing Offender Risk , NIC, April 2009, NCJ 226725.
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Boys & Girls Clubs of America Fact Sheet , BJA, 2000, FS 000263.
Breaking the Cycle , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 188087. (19 pages).
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Breaking the Cycle: Predicting and Preventing Crime , NIJ, 1994, NCJ 140541. (73 pages).
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Breaking the Cycle of Drug Use Among Juvenile Offenders (1999 Update): Final Technical Report , NIJ, November 1999, NCJ 179273. (109 pages).
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Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Criminal Justice Involvement: The Mothers Overcoming and Managing Stress (MOMS) Study , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 222910. (34 pages).
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Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Recommendations to Improve the Criminal Justice System Response to Child Victims and Witnesses , OVC, June 1999, NCJ 176983. (32 pages).
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Breaking the Cycle: Outcomes From Pennsylvania's Alternative to Prison for Technical Parole Violators , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2002, NCJ 197056. (17 pages).
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Breaking the Cycle: Technical Report , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2002, NCJ 197057. (23 pages).
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Breaking the Juvenile Drug-Crime Cycle: A Guide for Practitioners and Policymakers , NIJ, May 2001, NCJ 186156. (26 pages).
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Bridging the Gaps in Police Crime Data , BJS, September 1999, NCJ 176365. (79 pages).
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Bridging the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems , OJJDP, June 1995, NCJ 152155. (4 pages).
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Bridging the Language Divide: Promising Practices for Law Enforcement , COPS, February 2009, NCJ 227423. (68 pages).
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Brief Strategic Family Therapy , OJJDP, April 2000, NCJ 179285. (12 pages).
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Bringing Abducted Children Home , OJJDP, April 2005, BC 000712. (1 pages).
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Bringing Geography to the Practice of Analyzing Crime Through Technology , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2010, NCJ 230757. (9 pages).
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Bringing the Dispatcher to the Scene With Panoramic Imaging and Remote Video Transmission, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2001, NCJ 190132. (30 pages).
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Bringing Victims Into Community Policing , COPS, September 2002, NCJ 196146. (105 pages).
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Broadband Boosts Access, Mobility in Brookline , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2010, NCJ 231552. (3 pages).
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Brockton, Massachusetts, Arrest Policies Project: A Process Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2000, NCJ 201869. (24 pages).
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"Broken Windows" and Police Discretion , NIJ, October 1999, NCJ 178259. (59 pages).
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Bruising as a Forensic Marker of Physical Elder Abuse , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2009, NCJ 226457. (27 pages).
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Bruising in the Geriatric Population , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2006, NCJ 214649. (22 pages).
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Building a 3-1-1 System for Non-Emergency Calls: A Case Study of the City of Austin Police Department , COPS, June 2004, NCJ 203482. (117 pages).
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Building a 3-1-1 System for Non-Emergency Calls: A Process and Impact Evaluation , COPS, September 2003, NCJ 205987. (60 pages).
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Building a 311 System: A Case Study of the City of Minneapolis , COPS, October 2008, NCJ 224514. (160 pages).
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Building a 311 System: A Case Study of the Orange County, Florida, Government Service Center , COPS, May 2007, NCJ 221788. (46 pages).
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Building a Better Criminal Justice System: Annual Report to Congress Fiscal Year 1999 , BJA, June 2000, NCJ 182954. (65 pages).
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Building a Genetic Reference Database for Dog mtDNA Sequences and SNPs , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2005, NCJ 226936. (68 pages).
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Building a Global Terrorism Database , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2006, NCJ 214260. (208 pages).
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Building a State Victim Assistance Academy—Vermont’s Experience , OVC, April 2008, NCJ 221684. (2 pages).
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Building an Effective Research Collaboration Between the Center for Public Policy at Temple University and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections: Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2002, NCJ 197067. (315 pages).
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Building an Offender Reentry Program: A Guide for Law Enforcement , BJA, 2007, NCJ 219079. (58 pages).
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Building and Analyzing a Comprehensive Open Source Data Base on Global Terrorist Events , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2008, NCJ 223287. (51 pages).
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Building and Crossing Bridges: Refugees and Law Enforcement Working Together , BJA-Sponsored, National Crime Prevention Council, 1994, NCJ 150047. (74 pages).
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Building Capacity and Connectivity for Alternative Education: The Evolving Role of the Educational Administration , OJJDP-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 226232. (17 pages).
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Building Exchange Content Using the Global Justice XML Data Model: A User Guide for Practitioners and Developers , BJA-Sponsored, June 2005, NCJ 233416. (170 pages).
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Building Knowledge About Crime and Justice: The 1997 Research Prospectus of the National Institute of Justice , NIJ, 1997, NCJ 163708. (22 pages).
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Building Knowledge About Crime and Justice: Research Prospectus 1998 , NIJ, 1997, NCJ 167570. (23 pages).
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Building Knowledge About Crime and Justice: The 1999 Research Prospectus of the National Institute of Justice , NIJ, November 1998, NCJ 172883. (18 pages).
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Building Knowledge About Crime and Justice: The 2000 Research Prospectus of the National Institute of Justice , NIJ, November 1999, NCJ 178903. (18 pages).
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Building Relationships Between Police and the Vietnamese Community in Roanoke, Virginia , BJA, 2001, NCJ 185778. (4 pages).
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Building Resiliency and Vocational Excellence (BRAVE) Program: A Violence-Prevention and Role Model Program for Young, African American Males , OJJDP-Sponsored, 2005, NCJ 226228. (11 pages).
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Building Societal Support for the Rule of Law in Georgia , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2003, NCJ 208128. (120 pages).
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Building the Rule of Law Information Network Infrastructure in Moldova, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2000, NCJ 192274. (15 pages).
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Building the Rule of Law Information Network Infrastructure in Moldova: Content Development, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2001, NCJ 192273. (16 pages).
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Building Tools for a Learning Organization: Assessing the Delivery of Community Policing Services in a Non-Urban Setting , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2004, NCJ 207144. (200 pages).
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Building Victim Assistance Networks With Faith Communities: Lessons Learned by the Vermont Victim Services 2000 Project , OVC, April 2007, NCJ 215201. (21 pages).
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Bulletproof Vest Partnership (April 2000) , BJA, 2000, FS 000259.
Bulletproof Vest Partnership Initiative , BJA, June 2011, FS 000368.
Bullying in Schools , COPS, May 2009, NCJ 227422. (62 pages).
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Bullying in Schools: An Overview , OJJDP, December 2011, NCJ 234205. (12 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1994 , BJA, 1995, NCJ 157663. (48 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1995 , BJA, 1996, NCJ 161417. (45 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1996 , BJA, 1997, NCJ 168621. (52 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1997 , BJA, 1998, NCJ 171697. (59 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Assistance Comprehensive Communities Program: A Preliminary Report, Research in Brief , NIJ, 1998, NCJ 171132. (11 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Assistance Evaluation Web Site; The First Year: An Annual Report , BJA, 1999, NCJ 181250. (8 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Statistics 2000: At a Glance , BJS, August 2000, NCJ 183014. (46 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Statistics Fiscal Year 1996: At a Glance , BJS, 1996, NCJ 160923. (54 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Statistics Fiscal Year 1997: At a Glance , BJS, 1997, NCJ 164490. (59 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Statistics Fiscal Year 1998: At a Glance , BJS, 1998, NCJ 169285. (22 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications Catalog, 1997 , BJS, 1997, NCJ 164385. (32 pages).
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Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications Collection CD-ROM, as of December 31, 2005 ,  (CD-ROM), BJS, July 2006, NCJ 213091.
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Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications Collection, as of December 31, 2004 ,  (CD-ROM), BJS, December 2004, NCJ 208950.
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Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2002: At a Glance , BJS, August 2002, NCJ 194449. (42 pages).
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Burglary at Single-Family House Construction Sites , COPS, August 2006, NCJ 215557. (74 pages).
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Burglary Cases in Juvenile Court, 1989-1998 , OJJDP, May 2002, FS 200208. (2 pages).
Burglary of Retail Establishments , COPS, August 2002, NCJ 194801. (60 pages).
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Burglary in Single Family Houses , COPS, August 2004, NCJ 196147. (80 pages).
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Burglary of Single-Family Houses in Savannah, Georgia: A Final Report to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services on the Field Applications of the Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Project , COPS, January 2004, NCJ 210351. (66 pages).
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Burn Injuries in Child Abuse , OJJDP, June 2001, NCJ 162424. (24 pages).
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Burning Down the House: Mortgage Fraud and the Destruction of Residential Neighborhoods , NIJ-Sponsored, 2010, NCJ 229912. (28 pages).
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Business Alliance Program: Creating Business and Community Partnerships , BJA, 1995, FS 000119.
Business Alliance: Planning for Business and Community Partnerships , BJA, 1994, NCJ 148657. (79 pages).
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Business Planning Guide for Jail Industries , BJA, August 2002, NCJ 165147. (56 pages).
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But They All Come Back: Rethinking Prisoner Reentry, Research in Brief , NIJ, May 2000, NCJ 181413. (10 pages).
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By the Numbers: A Guide for Analyzing Race Data From Vehicle Stops , COPS, May 2005, NCJ 209827. (464 pages).
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