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 January 2003 (PB 3-03-1)

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Individual articles and features are available in PDF format by clicking on the title.


The Chemical Corps and the Coast Guard―Interoperability in Action

The Chemical Corps and Its Emerging Role in Homeland Security

The Stryker Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV) Vanguard for NBC Transformation

The Chemical Officer's Critical Role in the Targeting Process

The Future of Decontamination Operations―An Analysis of Decontamination Foam 200

CBRN Defense in the Objective force: Insights From Army Transformation War Game 2002

A New Decontamination Training Aid

The Battle of Wilson's Creek―Its Relevancy to Today's Chemical Officers

The History of Military Mask Filters

Turning a Negative JRTC Chemical Trend Into a Positive

Anthrax Decontamination

All BNCOC Graduates to Get 40 Promotion Points


Chief of Chemical

Regimental Command Sergeant Major