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United States Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Statistics Service

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Podcasting is a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive any new files automatically by subscription. Podcasting uses XML technology similar to RSS Feeds, however the individual Podcasts are of either audio or video content, rather than just text.

Currently NASS syndicates free Podcasts of our broadcast reports. These are discussions of the latest USDA agricultural production reports and news with NASS officials who collect and disseminate the statistics.

For more information and additional subscription options, click on the name of the feed below.


Audio Broadcast Reports

  Using Podcasts

Receiving podcasts requires a special audio player. Here is a list of some of the podcast catchers available for download:

Once you have the software installed, you will need to subscribe to the podcast feed in order to begin receiving audio files. Below are some subscription directions. Consult the help for your particular application for more detailed instructions


Last modified: 12/03/08