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WEBTech Notes PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 April 2012

WEBTech Notes.WEBTech Notes is designed to support the management of Federal depository library collections. Federal depository libraries use WEBTech Notes to search, browse, and view updates to Superintendent of Documents classification numbers and to List of Classes information. Specifically, WEBTech Notes may be used by:

  • Catalogers to identify records and publication call numbers that need to be changed.
  • Reference desk staff to identify if something new transitioned to another format.
  • Depository coordinators to identify issues with older material on their shelves.

WEBTech Notes provides instant public access to additions and modifications as they are made by GPO staff. The dataset includes data from 1991 forward.

Traditionally, updates were recorded and distributed in paper to Federal depository libraries in Administrative Notes, Technical Supplement (ANTS). Since updates are now made to the Web-based application as needed, the U.S. Government Printing Office ceased publication of ANTS. A final print version of ANTS was released as Administrative Notes, Technical Supplement (ANTS), Volume 15, no. 11-12, November – December 31, 2008.


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