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Tiger Beetles of the United States -- Coordinated by W. Wyatt Hoback and J.J. Riggins

Introduction -- Information about this site. Clickable Map of the U.S. Acknowledgments -- Those who provided information, distribution records, and photos for this site.
Photo Thumbnails -- Identify a Tiger Beetle by viewing photo thumbnails. References -- Publications used to compile distribution records.
Checklists -- State and County checklists for Tiger Beetle species. Citing This Resource -- How to cite this resource.
Distribution Maps -- View distributtion maps, photos, and account information for each species.
Other Invertebrate Information -- Links to other invertebrate resources. For Further Information -- Who to contact to learn more about Tiger Beetles.

Photo Thumbnails
Identify Tiger Beetles by navigating through thumbnails of all of our photos
Checklists of all species reported in a particular county or region
Distribution Maps
United States (Combined Maps)
Combined maps for Tiger Beetles occurring in the conterminous U.S.
Great Plains
Colorado -- Iowa -- Kansas -- Minnesota -- Missouri -- Montana -- Nebraska -- New Mexico -- North Dakota -- Oklahoma -- South Dakota -- Texas -- Wyoming
East of Great Plains
Alabama -- Arkansas -- Connecticut -- Delaware -- Florida -- Georgia -- Illinois -- Indiana -- Kentucky -- Louisiana -- Maine -- Maryland -- Massachusetts -- Michigan -- Mississippi -- New Hampshire -- New Jersey -- New York -- North Carolina -- Ohio -- Pennsylvania -- Rhode Island -- South Carolina -- Tennessee -- Vermont -- Virginia -- West Virginia -- Wisconsin
West of Great Plains
Arizona -- California -- Idaho -- Nevada -- Oregon -- Utah -- Washington
Links to other Invertebrate resources on the Internet
Publications used to compile distribution records and aid in the construction of this resource, as well as those with general information about tiger beetles

This resource is based on the following sources: See References.

This resource should be cited as:

Hoback, W. Wyatt, and John J. Riggins.  2001.  Tiger beetles of the United States.  Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. (Version 12DEC2003).

Disclaimer: Maps and checklists presented on this Web site were created by manually coding information in the source publications. Maps were inspected for gross errors, but there is a possibility that some errors remain. Users of the Web site should recognize that lack of a confirmed sighting in a given county does not necessarily mean that the species is absent from that county.

Persons aware of additional publications or information on Tiger Beetle distribution are asked to contact:
Dr. W. Wyatt Hoback
Department of Biology
Bruner Hall of Science
905 West 25th Street
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Kearney, NE 68849
Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming United States Hawaii

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Page Last Modified: Saturday, 02-Feb-2013 03:11:39 EST
Menlo Park, CA [caww54]