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Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III talks with Chief Master Sgt. Denise Jelinski-Hall after speaking at a senior leaders' perspective during the Air Force Sergeants Association Professional Airmen's Conference in Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 15, 2012. During his speech, Welsh emphasized the role leaders play in Airmen's lives, as well as the importance of leaders getting to know their Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Ciara Wymbs)
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Welsh talks 'leadership' with NCOs

Posted 8/17/2012   Updated 8/17/2012 Email story   Print story


by Airman 1st Class Jarrod Grammel
23rd Wing Public Affairs

8/17/2012 - JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AFNS) -- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III shared his perspective on leadership during the 2012 Air Force Sergeants Association Convention and Professional Airmen's Conference here Aug. 15.

Welsh spoke about what it takes to be a great leader and NCO, sharing insight and personal stories from his 36-year career.

"I'm a big believer that in this business, people plus pride equals performance," he said. "And performance is our bottom line. There is no other bottom line in this business. Nobody is going to care how well we treated our people if we lose the next war.

"But, we are smart enough to know that we are not going to get that performance unless we take care of our people," he added.

For leaders, part of taking care of people is knowing their stories. Welsh said he was once able to help a staff sergeant who worked for him keep custody of his daughter, simply by learning about the Airman and his family.

"You've got to learn the stories," the general said. "If you don't know the stories, you can't lead the Airmen. It's really that simple. Resiliency days, wingman days and big training events are all important, but they're not fixing it.

"I believe this is the answer: learn the stories," Welsh said. "I am absolutely convinced that if we knew each other better, we would care for each other more. ... It all starts with great NCOs and great supervisors who understand every Airman does have a story."

The chief of staff told the audience of enlisted leaders there is always someone who is better at something than they are, and it is their job to recognize this.

"Everybody who has ever worked for you is better than you at something," he said. "Your job is to encourage that and develop it, and to give them free reign. Every now and then, step back and lead from behind. You become the cheerleader."

Welsh also emphasized the need for bold leadership, especially when it comes to meeting standards.

"People are going to criticize you if you're the one stepping up, making the calls, enforcing discipline, making sure people meet standards and making sure the mission gets done," he said. "Deal with it. Make the tough decisions. Make the hard calls. Make your NCOs make the hard calls, and make your Airmen make the hard calls."

The chief of staff concluded his remarks by reminding the audience that leadership is a gift.

"It's given to you by those who follow," Welsh said. "But, you have to be worthy of it. The question is, are we?"

9/12/2012 12:13:51 PM ET
I am very impressed with what I have heard and seen from Gen. Welsch. In response to the comment about standards I don't believe he is saying the mission isn't as important because he talked about discipline and standards first. The reality is if you don't maintain standards and discipline you can't effectively accomplish the mission. Look at everything that happened in the nuclear world or the mortuary affairs scandal. Those occured because there was a lack of discipline and people failed to hold people to standards. And why because they didn't want to be the bad guy or this is how we did things when I was an Airman or they just plain didn't oversee what their Airmen were doing. Remember standards aren't just wearing the uniform properly or rendering proper customs and courtesies. Standards include following our regs, TOs, checklists, AFIs, OIs, etc. Discipline isn't just giving people paperwork. It is also about making tough unpopular ethical and more importantly the
MSgt Detrick Thomas, Keesler AFB MS
8/23/2012 9:25:45 AM ET
General Welsh was raised by his father an old-school general. He taught his son well. He has vision compassion modesty and gumption. He's the right man for the job.
TSgt Craig Arbogast, Kirtland AFB NM
8/22/2012 7:33:50 PM ET
I've got high hopes for Gen. Welsh - I've heard nothing but great things and found his 2011 Academy speach remarkable. That said I am a little disturbed to see him mention discipline and standards BEFORE the mission espicially when he's talking to NCOs. Way too many of them actually put standards before the mission.
Steve, Wyoming
8/21/2012 9:39:56 AM ET
You said it. I have only met him once but he has a very positive demeanor from what I could tell good first impression seems like he supports his people.
J. Belle , Pentagon
8/21/2012 8:26:31 AM ET
Resiliency days wingman days and big training events are all important but they're not fixing it.Finally a senior leader who is willing to challenge the magical thinking of quick fix programs and bandaid approaches by getting down to the basics which is leading through knowing your people.
Rosanne Visco, Ft Sam houston TX
8/17/2012 11:09:50 AM ET
This is an airmen's general. He's like a throwback from the old days with vision common sense and intelligence.
Willie.JonesJr., Scott AFB IL
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