USGS Programs in Idaho

The Idaho Water Science Center participates in three USGS Programs. Refer to the information below for program missions and links to national program Web sites. External links open in a new browser window.

Follow the links on the right to view related Idaho Water Science Center activities.

National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA)

The USGS implemented the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program in 1991 to develop long-term consistent and comparable information on streams, rivers, groundwater, and aquatic systems in support of national, regional, State, and local information needs and decisions related to water-quality management and policy. The NAWQA program is designed to address the following objectives and answer these questions:

  • What is the condition of our Nation's streams, rivers, and groundwater?
  • How are these conditions changing over time?
  • How do natural features and human activities affect these conditions, and where are those effects most pronounced? read more...

National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP)

The mission of NSIP is to provide the streamflow information and understanding required to meet local, State, regional, and national needs. Streamgages are the monitoring tools used to track the flux of water and associated components in streams and rivers. Streamflow data from these streamgages are used for planning and decisions related to agriculture, industry, water supplies, navigation, riverine and riparian habitat, and flood hazard identification. read more...

Cooperative Water Program (CWP)

The Mission of the USGS Cooperative Water Program is to provide reliable, impartial, and timely information needed to understand the Nation's water resources through a program of shared efforts and funding with State, Tribal, and local partners to enable decision makers to wisely manage the Nation's water resources. read more...