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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
HIV/AIDS Programs

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Reporting Requirements

Online Data Entry, Forms, Instructions, and Technical Assistance

As a condition of their grant awards, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees are required to report data on clients, services provided, and expenditures. Below are the types of data reports that are currently required.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR)

RSR Home Page

Ryan White Program grantees and service providers use a data reporting system to report information on their programs and the clients they serve to the HIV/AIDS Bureau. Reports will cover the full calendar year.

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Data Report (ADR)

ADR Home Page

Beginning in 2013, Part B ADAP grantees will begin using a new data reporting system to report information on their program and the clients they serve to the HIV/AIDS Bureau.

ADAP Quarterly Report (AQR)

AQR must be submitted through EHB

Allocation and Expenditure Reports 

A&E reporting forms can be downloaded and must be submitted through EHB.  The Allocations Report is due 60 days after the budget period start date and the Expenditures Report is due 90 days after the budget period end date.  HAB is currently accepting FY11 expenditures and FY12 allocations from most grantees.

Dental Services Report Updated 2/5/13

Part A Minority AIDS Initiative Report

The MAI Report must be submitted through EHB

Technical Assistance and Support

NOTE:  No more RDR submissions are required! The RDR has officially been replaced by the RSR as the annual performance report deliverable. Effective immediately, grantees and providers will no longer submit the RDR. Grantees and providers must only complete the RSR for the 2011 annual reporting period (January 1 – December 31, 2011). If you have questions, please contact your HAB Project Officer or WRMA/CSR Data Support at 1-888-640-9356 from 9:00 AM. to 5:30 PM EST.