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O*NET® Products at Work

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration introduced the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to the public in 1998. Since that time, its impact on workforce development, career counseling, educational programming and human resource activities has quickly expanded, both in the U.S. and around the world.

O*NET Products at Work provides examples of the widespread use of O*NET OnLine, the O*NET database, the Toolkit for Business, and the O*NET Career Exploration Tools. Hyperlinks provide access to further information on many of the users. In this document, users are categorized into the following groups:

  • assessment and career information delivery systems
  • educational and research institutions
  • federal and state government agencies
  • international users
  • private companies and commercial products
  • public workforce investment systems and workforce investment boards
  • U.S. Armed Forces

The use of O*NET products and tools continues to grow. The O*NET program, through continuous improvement efforts based on user needs and advancing technology, makes every effort to efficiently develop products that meet customer demands in both the public and private sectors.

O*NET Products at Work (PDF - 823 KB) - Spring 2011 edition
O*NET Reference List (XLS - 214 KB)

O*NET Users! Tell us how you're using O*NET products with an email to the National Center for O*NET Development. We'll consider your story for inclusion in the next update to O*NET Products at Work. Submit your story to O*NET Customer Service (