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Peer Review Agenda

On December 16, 2004, the Office of Management and Budget issued its Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (PDF, 263 KB, 45 pages, about PDF). exit EPA The Bulletin requires federal agencies to conduct peer reviews of "influential scientific information" before it is disseminated to the public and to post Peer Review Agendas on their Web sites.

The Bulletin defines "influential scientific information" as "scientific information the agency reasonably can determine will have or does have a clear and substantial impact on important public policies or private sector decisions." The Bulletin establishes minimum peer review requirements for all non-exempt influential scientific information. It imposes the strictest requirements on "highly influential scientific assessments (HISAs)."

A scientific assessment is an evaluation of a body of scientific or technical knowledge that typically synthesizes multiple factual inputs, data, models, assumptions, and/or applies best professional judgment to bridge uncertainties in the available information. The Bulletin considers a "scientific assessment" to be "highly influential" if the agency or the OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator determines that the dissemination could have a potential impact of more than $500 million in any one year on either the public or private sector or that the dissemination is novel, controversial, or precedent-setting, or has significant interagency interest.

This Web site is designed to meet a requirement in the Bulletin that all federal agencies post on their Web sites a Peer Review Agenda that includes all planned and ongoing "influential scientific information" subject to the Bulletin's peer review requirements. The peer review information provided on each record is described as a "Peer Review Plan." Agencies must allow public comment on the adequacy of their Peer Review Plans. The Bulletin applies to all covered information disseminated on or after six months following publication of the Bulletin, except information for which an agency has already provided a draft report and an associated charge to peer reviewers.

Peer Review Agenda
Highly Influential Scientific Assessments | Influential Scientific Information

Highly Influential Scientific Assessments (HISA)
Office of Air and Radiation
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
Office of Children's Health Protection and Environmental Education
Office of Research and Development
Office of Water
Influential Scientific Information (ISI)
Office of Air and Radiation
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
Office of Policy
Office of Research and Development
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Office of Water


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