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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Cascades Volcano Observatory
Educational Outreach

Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide

The ABC online story "Humans dwarf volcanoes for CO2 emissions" provides a follow up response to USGS Emeritus Terry Gerlach's paper "Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide" recently published in Eos. The ABC article discusses why this myth persists, compares human and volcano CO2 emissions, includes several quotes from Dr. Terrence Gerlach, and provides links to the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory and the Gerlach's journal article printed in Eos.

2012 Teachers Workshop, July 23-27

  • Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- Mount Rainier 2012 Teachers Workshop
    -- Come spend a lovely few summer days at the Park with U.S. Geological Survey scientists and Park educators. The workshop will be a mix of content, curriculum activities, and field experiences. This workshop is designed for middle school teachers who teach about volcanoes, volcanic processes, products, and hazards. The interdisciplinary curriculum focuses on the science of Cascade Volcanoes in general and the specifics of Mount Rainier volcano and the hazards associated with living in its shadow. Participating teachers will receive curriculum materials and additional resources to use with their students.

2012 'Volcano Explorers' school videoconference program.

This partnership of staff at OSPI ESD-112, the Mount St. Helens Institute, and the US Geological Survey brings live, interactive video presentations by scientists to students across the country. For information about 2012 programming, visit: .

  • REPORT: Vallance, J.W., Gardner, C.A., Scott, W.E., Iverson, R.M., and Pierson, T.C., 2010,
    Mount St. Helens: A 30-Year Legacy of Volcanism
    -- Reprint, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v.91, n.19, May 11, 2010, p.169-170.
    The spectacular eruption of Mount St. Helens on 18 May 1980 electrified scientists and the public. Photodocumentation of the colossal landslide, directed blast, and ensuing eruption column­­­ -- which reached as high as 25 kilometers in altitude and lasted for nearly 9 hours -- made news worldwide. Reconnaissance of the devastation spurred efforts to understand the power and awe of those moments.

    The eruption remains a seminal historical event -- studying it and its aftermath revolutionized the way scientists approach the field of volcanology. Not only was the eruption spectacular, but also it occurred in daytime, at an accessible volcano, in a country with the resources to transform disaster into scientific opportunity, amid a transformation in digital technology. Lives lost and the impact of the eruption on people and infrastructure downstream and downwind made it imperative for scientists to investigate events and work with communities to lessen losses from future eruptions. -- Vallance,, 2010

  • POSTER: 30 Cool Facts about Mount St. Helens
    Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens. 1—During the past 4,000 years, Mount St. Helens has erupted more frequently than any other volcano in the Cascade Range. 2—Most of Mount St. Helens is younger than 3,000 years old (younger than the pyramids of Egypt). 3—Some Native American names that refer to smoke at the volcano include — Lawala Clough, Low-We- Lat-Klah, Low-We-Not- Thlat, Loowit, Loo-wit, Loo-wit Lat-kla, and Louwala-Clough. and 27 more !!!

  • POSTER: Eruptions in the Cascade Range During the Past 4,000 Years -- Myers and Driedger, 2008, GIP63
    Volcanoes have been erupting in the Cascade Range for over 500,000 years. During the past 4,000 years eruptions have occurred at an average rate of about 2 per century. This chart shows 13 volcanoes on a map of Washington, Oregon, and northern California and time lines for each showing the ages of their eruptions.

  • POSTER: Geologic Hazards at Volcanoes -- Myers and Driedger, 2008, GIP64
    Most volcano hazards are associated with eruptions. However, some hazards, such as lahars and debris avalanches, can occur even when a volcano is not erupting.

  • Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier
    Driedger, Doherty, and Dixon, (Project Coordinators), 2005, USGS and NPS, General Information Product 19.
    Living with a Volcano in your Backyard -- An Educator's Guide with Emphasis on Mount Rainier is a three-unit guide that provides science content and inquiry-based activities about volcanoes of the Cascade Range, with emphasis placed on Mount Rainier. Activities are designed for middle school students. Adaptations and extensions offer learning opportunites for students in higher and lower grade levels. This guide includes more than 30 activities, a field guide to geological sites of interest at Mount Rainier National Park, glossary, list of Internet resources, and supplementary information. Components of the guide will posted in PDF format as they are completed

Volcanic Activity Information

Learn About Volcanoes

Information For Future Volcanologists
  • Information for Future Volcanologists
    Information and suggestions for becoming a volcanologist including questions and answers about types of careers and courses of study. Read also about how scientists study volcanoes.

  • image, Jack Kleinman
    Click image to enlarge
    2012 Kleinman Internship -- [.doc format]
    2012 Kleinman Internship -- [.pdf format]
    The Community Foundation for Southwest Washington, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey's David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory (USGS, CVO), invites applications for the 2012 Jack Kleinman Volcano Research Grants Program.
Activities and "Fun Stuff"

  • Activities and "Fun Stuff"
    Try these for a different approach to studying volcanoes ... included here are vocabulary words and crossword puzzles ... NOTE: these pages are non-interactive and designed to be printed

  • Cascade Range Volcano Mobiles
    Learn about the major Volcanoes of Washington State, Oregon, and California, and make a hanging mobile at the same time!!! ... online instructions and templates for the Washington State volcanoes ... NOTE: these pages are non-interactive and designed to be printed

Posters, Videos and Videoclips
  • Downloadable video clips of volcanic eruptions and commentary about eruptions.

  • POSTER: 30 Cool Facts about Mount St. Helens
    Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens. 1—During the past 4,000 years, Mount St. Helens has erupted more frequently than any other volcano in the Cascade Range. 2—Most of Mount St. Helens is younger than 3,000 years old (younger than the pyramids of Egypt). 3—Some Native American names that refer to smoke at the volcano include — Lawala Clough, Low-We- Lat-Klah, Low-We-Not- Thlat, Loowit, Loo-wit, Loo-wit Lat-kla, and Louwala-Clough. and 27 more !!!

  • POSTER: Eruptions in the Cascade Range During the Past 4,000 Years -- Myers and Driedger, 2008, GIP63
    Volcanoes have been erupting in the Cascade Range for over 500,000 years. During the past 4,000 years eruptions have occurred at an average rate of about 2 per century. This chart shows 13 volcanoes on a map of Washington, Oregon, and northern California and time lines for each showing the ages of their eruptions.

  • POSTER: Geologic Hazards at Volcanoes -- Myers and Driedger, 2008, GIP64
    Most volcano hazards are associated with eruptions. However, some hazards, such as lahars and debris avalanches, can occur even when a volcano is not erupting.

  • Reducing Volcanic Risk in the U.S. "Posters"
    Three downloadable posters, in PDF format, dealing with volcanic risk; "Why Volcanic Risk in Increasing in the United States"; "Strategy for Reducing Volcanic Risk"; "Preparing for Volcanic Emergencies: Keeping You Informed"

  • Mount Rainier Hazards "Posters"
    Four "Poster-Style" Maps to download covering the hazards of Mount Rainier; "Osceola and Electron Mudflows"; "Lava and Pyroclastic Flow Hazards"; "Lahar Hazards"; "Ashfall Hazards"

  • Videos - Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and Mount Hood
    Volcano videos available through the Northwest Interpretive Association

  • Mount St. Helens General Slide Set
    This is probably our most popular site - 50 images with captions, by Lyn Topinka ... this "slide set" covers pre-eruption, May 18, 1980, aftermath, monitoring, dome growth, drainage erosion, hazards

Special Features and Useful Pages
  • Annotated NASA Images
    Spectacular NASA photos (courtesy NASA Earth From Space), with major volcanic and geographic features identified for easy identification ... check out Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainier, and other Cascades and non-Cascade volcanoes

  • Cascade Range Volcanoes
    Arranged north to south, a quick way to access the Cascade Range Volcanoes

  • Cascade Range Volcano Mobiles
    Learn about the major Volcanoes of Washington State, Oregon, and California, and make a hanging mobile at the same time!!! ... online instructions and templates for the Washington State volcanoes ... NOTE: these pages are non-interactive and designed to be printed

  • Dante's Peak Information
    Facts and fallacies from the movie "Dante's Peak" arranged as "FAQ's", about volcanoes and monitoring volcanoes

  • Geologic Time Scale
    Go back throughout the age of the Earth and see various ages and "highlights"

  • History - Volcanoes and History
    Volcano Names ... Historical Maps and Journals ... The Volcanoes of George Vancouver ... The Volcanoes of Lewis and Clark ... Journal excerpts ... 1800s Eruptions ... MORE ...

  • Living With Volcanoes
    Volcanoes are a part of our everyday life. This section contains facts and information, questions and answers, historical, cultural, and the economic sides of volcanoes, tourism and recreation information, "real-time" VolcanoCams from around the world, and information about "Dantes Peak"

  • Mount St. Helens General Slide Set
    This is probably our most popular site - 50 images with captions, by Lyn Topinka ... this "slide set" covers pre-eruption, May 18, 1980, aftermath, monitoring, dome growth, drainage erosion, hazards

  • Mount St. Helens - Points of Interest
    A travel "Tour" of Mount St. Helens Volcano ... use to plan your next trip, or just sit back and take an "armchair tour" of over 30 places around Mount St. Helens

  • Visit A Volcano
    Select the closest Cascade Range Volcano nearest to you and discover information and maps on the volcano, a list of useful local links

  • Volcanoes and History
    Volcano Names ... Historical Maps and Journals ... The Volcanoes of George Vancouver ... The Volcanoes of Lewis and Clark ... Journal excerpts ... 1800s Eruptions ... MORE ...

  • The Volcanoes of Lewis and Clark
    Take a tour down the Columbia River with Lewis and Clark ... Lewis and Clark were on the Columbia River between October 1805 and June 1806 ... during those months they saw FIVE volcanoes and even gave Mount Jefferson it's name ... this site has lots of old maps and images and postcards!

Useful Links

Other Menus of Interest

CVO HomePage Volcanoes of the World Menu Mount St. Helens Menu Living With Volcanoes Menu Publications and Reports Menu Volcano Monitoring Menu Servers and Useful Sites Menu Volcano Hazards Menu Research and Projects Menu Educational Outreach Menu Hazards, Features, and Terminology Menu Maps and Graphics Menu CVO Photo Archives Menu Conversion Tables CVO Index - Search Our Site ButtonBar

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12/08/2011, Mike Randall