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Class of Distinguished Leader Series: Mr. Kevin Plank, CEO Under Armour West Point Names New Leadership Chair Distingushed Leader Series: GEN Dempsey Class of
BS&L’s new ’51 Leadership chair and best-selling leadership and business management author Jim Collins visited West Point to lead a day-long seminar with 30 BS&L cadets. Mr. Collins led a Socratic discussion on what makes leaders great.
Mr. Plank spoke with the Black and Gold Leadership Forum, cadets enrolled in MG381 (Management), and other BS&L majors during an hour long discussion on leader development and his leadership philosophy.
Jim Collins, a renowned leadership and management educator, has been appointed as the Class of 1951 Chair for the Study of Leadership in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at West Point.
The Chief of Staff of the Army visited West Point today and discussed the future of the Army, priorities for leaders, and stressed to cadets that they are entering a 'profession' and not an 'occupation'.
Mr. Pickens spoke to a standing room only crowd about the challenges and opportunities associated with a major overhaul of energy policy in the U.S. and the national security challenges future leaders will face.

Department of BS&L Mission
The Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership offers majors in the behavioral sciences. Five disciplinary options (majors) are available including: Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Leader Development Science, Management, or Sociology.
Overall, study of the Behavioral Sciences provides an opportunity to increase cadet understanding of human behavior at several levels ranging from the individual through small groups, to organizations and social institutions. The courses taught and insights gained improve cadets’ ability to describe, explain, predict and influence human behavior. The Behavioral Sciences majors allow cadets to structure an appropriate sequence of electives which will ensure understanding of behavior from the psychological, as well as the sociological and organizational perspectives.  This underlying basis ensures that every program of study in the department has direct and immediate relevance to the lives of our graduates during their careers as Army officers and beyond.
BS&L in the News
  • On 15 June, Ms. Melanie Wong-Dodge, one of our PL100 instructors in the department, completed her doctoral comprehensive examination at the Teachers College, Columbia University as part of her progression to complete her Doctorate in Education
  • The Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership extends its congratulations to BG (R) Tom Kolditz on his appointment as a Professor in the Practice of Leadership at the Yale School of Management. Read More Here
  • Recently, the Academic Board voted to confer the rank of Associate Professor upon three Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership (D/BSL) faculty members. The D/BSL extends its congratulations to COL Irving Smith (Sociology), LTC Lolita Burrell (Engineering Psychology), and Dr. Ericka Rouvira (Engineering Psychology) for their elevation in academic rank. Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor requires at least six years of service as an Assistant Professor and excellence across the five domains of faculty endeavors (teaching, scholarship, cadet development, faculty development, and service). Here’s wishing each of these wonderful scholars continued success in the years ahead!”
  • ​Recently, the Academic Board voted to confer the title of Professor Emeritus upon BG (R) Tom Kolditz in recognition of his distinguished career as a member of the United States Military Academy faculty. The Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership extends its congratulations to BG(R) Kolditz for this well deserved honor. Here’s wishing him continued success in the years ahead!
  • ​Recently, Colonel Bernie Banks delivered the keynote address at the Sourcing Interest Group’s March Summit held in Jersey City, NJ. The Sourcing Interest Group is a professional forum consisting of senior executives within the sourcing and contracting functions for many of the world’s largest companies. You can see Colonel Banks’ post-presentation interview here.
  • The Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership Department Head, Colonel Bernie Banks, made a presentation on June 7th, 2012 in Armonk, NY to the Chief Learning Officer Network (CLON). The CLON is a professional forum consisting of senior executives in the talent development and learning functions for many of the world’s leading companies. Colonel Banks’ presentation highlighted the process West Point employs in service of fostering character-based leader development
  • Recently, the White House Fellows (WHF) Commission announced Major Archie Bates’ selection as a National Finalist for the 2012-2103 WHF cohort. The National Finalists will take part in Selection Weekend June 7-10 in Washington, D.C. with the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships. The Commission is made up of distinguished national leaders who will recommend between 11-19 individuals to President Obama for a one year appointment as Fellows. The Finalists come from varied professions including medicine, law, business, journalism, local government, and the armed services. Those chosen to be Fellows will be part of the 48th class to serve in the nation’s most prestigious program for leadership and public service.

    Major Bates earned a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from the University of Maryland and taught in BS&L (2004-2007) as an Instructor and Assistant Professor. Currently, he is serving as the Executive Officer to the Director, Human Resources Policy Directorate (Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, United States Army). The D/BS&L extends its hearty congratulations to Major Bates for this tremendous accomplishment and wishing him well in the selection weekend process!”