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The purpose of this research is an on-going examination of attitudes in a specific segment of the U.S. college students, ROTC cadets, and military academy cadets.  To date, we have deployed a biannual survey since late 2002. Each semester we survey approximately 100 students each from a civilian college or university, an ROTC program, and military academies. As of spring 2012, over 6,000 cadets and students from 49 different colleges and universities have completed the instrument.  In the survey, we question attitudes toward a number of domains associated with military life such as military professionalism, civil-military relations, the role of the military in American society and the world, and the role of women in the military.    We are continuing our analysis where we compare and contrast these attitudes both within groups and between the three groups and compare to findings of previous research to include a longitudinal analysis.


  • Improve pedagogy through better understanding of the political and social characteristics of cadets;
  • Provides a mechanism for monitoring and flagging congruence between military academy cadets, ROTC cadets, and their civilian college counterparts in the U.S. and abroad;
  • Creates a state–of-the-times database for cadets, officers in graduate school, and military academy and other faculty. Basis for high impact cadet research projects, and faculty-led research on vital issues affecting retention and performance of cadets and junior officers;
  • Provides timely and rich policy-related data and research to inform ROTC programs, college faculties, staffs, and administrators, and military academy teachers, administrators, and military leaders.


  • Any U.S. or foreign college undergraduate students, ROTC program, and military academy;
  • Prefer first year students but not exclusive of other years;
  • Pencil and paper survey;
  • Requires 30-50 minutes to administer;
  • Human Subjects Review approved;
  • No costs to the campus.
Percent of University Undergraduates Favoring War In Afghanistan and Iraq*
  Afganistan Iraq
West Point Cadets 97% 89%
ROTC Cadets/ Students 96% 83%
Civilian Students 88% 70%
Males 98% 87%


84% 65%
Republicans 99% 93%
Democrats 89% 67%

* Based on the questions: “Did you favor or oppose the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks?” and “Do you currently favor or oppose military action, including the use of ground troops, in Iraq?” Responses were coded as 0 “Oppose” and 1 "Favor." Table published in Armed Forces & Society Rohall, (Rohall, Ender, and Matthews, 2006)