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Home / Juvenile Justice / Schools / School Safety

Juvenile Justice

Schools > School Safety

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  • Where can I find information on how to prevent school shootings?
    Information on how to prevent school shootings is available in the U.S. Department of Education repo... Read More
    Last Updated: May 15, 2008

  • Where can I find information on developing crisis response plans for school settings?
    Resources on developing crisis response plans in school settings include the following U.S. Departme... Read More
    Last Updated: November 10, 2008

  • What are school-based crisis response teams?
    The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) bulletin, School Crisis Response Initiative, provides a variet... Read More
    Last Updated: May 16, 2008

More Q&A

  • School Safety CD-ROM,  COPS, March 2009, NCJ 226642.
    Agency Abstract   HTML 

  • Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2008,  BJS, April 2009, NCJ 226343. (172 pages).
    Agency Abstract   PDF  TEXT  NCJRS Abstract   

  • Proceedings of Persistently Safe Schools October 29-31, 2007 Washington, DC,  OJJDP-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 226233. (308 pages).
    PDF  NCJRS Abstract   Add to Shopping cart

  • Refining the Construct of School Safety: An Exploration of Correlates and Construct Validity of School Safety Measures,  OJJDP-Sponsored, December 2005, NCJ 226237. (89 pages).
    PDF  NCJRS Abstract   Add to Shopping cart

  • School Safety & Youth Violence: A Legal Primer,  OJJDP-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 198396. (18 pages).
    PDF  NCJRS Abstract 

  • Urban Improv for the Classrooms 4th Grade Teacher Curriculum,  OJJDP-Sponsored, 2006, NCJ 226221. (60 pages).
    PDF  NCJRS Abstract   Add to Shopping cart

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Last updated on: July 6, 2009

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