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Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 1993

Division of STD/HIV Prevention 

December 1994

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
Public Health Service 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
National Center for Prevention Services 
Division of STD/HIV Prevention 
Surveillance and Information Systems Branch 
Atlanta, Georgia 30333

                         Copyright Information 

All material contained in this report is in the public domain and may be
used and reprinted without special permission; citation to source,
however, is appreciated.

                           Suggested Citation

Division of STD/HIV Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease
Surveillance, 1993.  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service.  Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
December 1994.

Copies can be obtained from Information Services, National Center for
Prevention Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600
Clifton Road, Mailstop E-06, Atlanta, Georgia 30333.

Additional Figures for the Special Profile

STDs in Women and Infants
Figure_A. Chlamydia - Number of states with reporting laws for Chlamydia
              trachomatis infections and reported rates: United States, 
Figure_B. Chlamydia - Rates for women by state: United States, 1993    
Figure_C. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in family 
              planning clinics by state: Region X, 1988-1993    
Figure_D. Ectopic pregnancy - Hospitalizations of women 15-44 years of 
              age: United States, 1980-1992    

STDs in Adolescents and Young Adults
Figure_E. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in family 
              planning clinics by age group: Region X, 1988-1993    
Figure_F. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in 16 
              sentinel clinics by age group: San Francisco, California, 
Figure_G. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in primary 
              care settings by age group: Columbus, Ohio, 1988-1993    
Figure_H. Chlamydia - Percent positivity of chlamydia laboratory tests 
              in women by age group: Wisconsin, 1985-1994    
Figure_I. Gonorrhea - Age-specific rates among women 15-44 years of age: 
              United States, 1981-1993    
Figure_J. Gonorrhea - Age-specific rates among men 15-44 years of age: 
              United States, 1981-1993    
Figure_K. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in family 
              planning clinics by race and ethnicity: Region X, 1988-1993    
Figure_L. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in 16 
              sentinel clinics by race and ethnicity: San Francisco, 
              California, 1988-1993
Figure_M. Chlamydia - Percent positivity among women tested in primary 
              care settings by race group: Columbus, Ohio, 1988-1993    
Figure_N. Gonorrhea - Reported rates for 15- to 19-year-old females by 
              race and ethnicity: United States, 1981-1993    
Figure_O. Gonorrhea - Reported rates for 15- to 19-year-old males by 
              race and ethnicity: United States, 1981-1993    
Figure_P. Congenital syphilis - Rates for infants <1 year of age by 
              race and ethnicity: United States, 1991-1993    
Figure_Q. Ectopic pregnancy - Rates by race and year group: United 
              States, 1970-1989    

STDs in the South
Figure_R. Primary and secondary syphilis case rates by county, 1993    
Figure_S. South - Increases and decreases in cases of primary and 
              secondary syphilis in 1993 compared with 1992 cases, by 
Figure_T. Gonorrhea - Rates by state, adjusted for race and ethnic 
              distribution of the population: United States, 1993    
Figure_U. Primary and secondary syphilis - Rates by state, adjusted for 
              race and ethnic distribution of the population: United States, 
Figure_V. Primary and secondary syphilis - Rates in African-Americans by 
              region: 1981-1993    

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007