
Many people played a role in bringing this report to fruition. James Hoben of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Mary Ellen O'Connell of the Department of Health and Human Services, and George Ferguson of the Interagency Council on the Homeless spearheaded the efforts of a Federal Working Group under the auspices of the Interagency Council. They had the responsibility for supervising all phases of the study; their counsel has greatly improved the report's structure, focus, and readability.

Other members of the Federal Working Group who contributed ideas, comments, comparison data, and support include Katherine Meredith of the Office of Management and Budget; Nancy Gordon, Cynthia Taeuber, Annetta Smith, Denise Smith, Marjorie Corlett, Charles Alexander, Dave Hubble, and Steve Tourkin of the Bureau of the Census; Fred Karnas, Marge Martin, Mark Johnston, and Michael Roanhouse of the Department of Housing and Urban Development; Marsha Martin, Pete Delany, and Michael Shoag of the Department of Health and Human Services; Pete Dougherty, Scott Steins, Gay Koerber, and Josephine Hawkins of the Department of Veterans Affairs; Joanne Wiggins, James Parker, Robin Bouckris, Mari Margil, and Wei-min Wang of the Department of Education; Kate Hine, Gary Bickel, John Pentecost, and Amy Donoghue of the Department of Agriculture; John Heinberg and Raymond Higgins of the Department of Labor; Carol Coleman and Yolanda Jones of the Federal Emergency Management Agency; Patricia Betch, Cassandra Wilkins, Christine Garcia, and Paul Davies of the Social Security Administration; Patricia Rose of the Department of Energy; Betty Jackson of the Department of Transportation; and Molly Brostrom, Jeremy Ben Ami, and Mary Smith of the Domestic Policy Council. In addition, Sharon Fondelier, Dave Hornick, Tracy Mattingly, and other Census Bureau staff have remained polite and forthcoming under the provocation of what must have seemed like never'ending requests for additional data, additional interpretation of methods, additional reviews of draft method sections, and additional hand-holding.

We were also assisted greatly by a devoted panel of experts on research and policy related to homelessness. These included Dennis Culhane of the University of Pennsylvania, Michael L. Dennis of Chestnut Health Systems, Linda Fosburg of Abt Associates, Howard Goldman of the University of Maryland—Baltimore, Kim Hopper of the Nathan Kline Institute, Gerry Hotaling of the University of Massachusetts—Lowell, Paul Koegel of the RAND Corporation, Norweeta Milburn of Hofstra University, Nan Roman of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, Robert Rosenheck of the Department of Veterans Affairs' Northeast Program Evaluation Center, James Stronge of the College of William and Mary, Beverly Toomey of Ohio State University, Sue Watlov'Phillips of Elim Transitional Housing, Inc., Laurel Weir of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, and Beth Weitzman of New York University.

Finally, Martin Frankel and K.P. Srinath of Abt Associates and Fritz Scheuren, John Marcotte, and Douglas Wissoker of the Urban Institute assisted with weighting and other statistical issues.

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Homelessness: Programs and the People They ServeDecember 1999