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Healthy food prices
Dietary Choices: The Role of Prices
September 20, 2012
Among the factors in consumers' responses to price changes are income, size of the price change, availability of substitutes, and expected length of the price changes.

New from ERS

Cotton crop in Uzbekistan
Economic Policy and Cotton in Uzbekistan
October 23, 2012
Uzbekistan is the third largest cotton supplier for world markets and accounts for two-thirds of Central Asia’s output. ERS examines the role of government policies in future prospects for cotton production and exports.
Small plants in vegetable farm research
Agricultural Research: Public- and Private-Sector Roles
September 21, 2012
Eight-page brief examines the funding and performance of agricultural R&D to assess the evolving--and complementary--roles of the public and private sectors in the U.S. agricultural research system.
Food Assistance Programs and the Economy
September 21, 2012
ERS examines the relationship between economic conditions and participation across USDA’s five largest nutrition assistance programs, and describes how changes in policies and other factors affect participation.
Thumbnail image for ERR141
Household Food Security in the U.S. in 2011
September 20, 2012
The overall percentage of food-insecure U.S. households in 2011 was essentially unchanged from 2010. ERS monitors food security in an annual survey.

Last updated: Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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