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Preparing for Martial Law: Through the Eyes of Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski


A captivating collection of over 75 documents concerning the planning and implementation martial law in Poland from mid-1980 to late 1981. The collection release coincided with a CIA symposium honoring Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski, a member of the Polish Army General Staff and the source of the documents. His information provided documents and personal commentary that gave intelligence analysts and US policy makers invaluable insight into the crisis.

Document List (PDF Format)

Kuklinski letter to US Embassy
Tasks for national and provincial officials in case of increased threat to Poland's security
Validity of Polish General Dubicki's comments to press about alleged Soviet troops wearing Polish uniforms
Polish Ministry of Defense drafting plans to utilize Polish military to implement Martial Law
Proposals on introduction of a State of Martial Law in Poland
Martial Law procedure in Poland
Polish Government plans for possible introduction of Martial Law
Jaruzelski's views on Polish events, Military and Party Responses
Current situation in the Polish government and Ministry of Defense
Polish government plans for possible Soviet military intervention
Decision making game for leading party members and government officials
Ministry of Communications preparation for fulfillment of tasks under special conditions
Preparatory work of the Minister of Domestic Trade and Services for a 'special situation'
Government exercise in connection with possible declaration of Martial Law
Meeting of the National Defense Committee held 12 November 1980
Poland's present tense internal situation and scenario of events before and after possible introduction of martial law
Preparations of the Ministry of Power Industry and Atomic Energy for a 'state of crisis'
Comments on the military aspects of the current crisis in Poland
Authority of Premier Jaruzelski as Minister of Defense
Participants in decision making exercise
Soviet reaction to Polish proposals regarding the declaration of Martial Law
Polish government preparedness in the event of declaration of Martial Law
Polish-Soviet accord on Soviet Armed Forces 'temporarily' stationed in Poland
Soviet-Polish position on Martial Law declaration, Warsaw Pact Military Council's 23rd meeting, Soviet Air Operations in Poland
Contingency Plans for declaration of Martial Law
Guidelines for introduction of Martial Law
Proposed Polish Military Measures
Polish Military and Security reactions
Polish Ministry of Defense Attitudes and Results of 19 June Meeting of National Defense Committee
Contingency Measures in the Event of Declaration of Martial Law
Agenda of National Defense Committee Meeting Scheduled for 19 june 1981
General Staff plans in preparation for Martial Law
Polish General Staff Evaluation of Soviet Military Presence and Activities in Poland and Jaruzelksi and Polish Ministry of Defense Attitude
Preperatory mobilization measures taken in the Polish Economy in 1980
Current political situation in Poland and Polish Ministry of Defense plans for Possible Martial Law
Text of the document which would announce the introduction of Martial Law in Poland
Martial Law in Poland
National Defense Committee Meeting on Martial Law
New draft decree on Martial Law and Current situation in Poland
Current plans for the introduction of Martial Law in Poland
Agenda for 14 September National Defense Committee Meeting, Current positions of Political and Military Leadership, Exercise ZAPAD-81 comments
Report of General Siwicki at the meeting of National Defense Committee on 14 September 1981
Decree on Martial Law
Justification of the Draft Decree on Martial Law
Current status of preparations for declaration of Martial Law in Poland
Discipline and Morale in the Armed Forces
Current Political and Military Situation in Poland - 13 October
Council of State resolution on Martial Law
Kulikov-Jaruzelksi exchange on increasing CINCCAF Representation in Poland
Directive on suspension of trade union and other social organization activities
Public assemblies during Martial Law
Current Political Situation in Poland - 19 October
Legal Documents pertaining to Martial Law
Current Political and Military Situation in Poland - 26 October
Special Judicial procedures in Criminal and Misdemeanor cases during Martial Law
Change of residence permits during Martial Law
Procedures for Interment of Polish citizens
Crisis management plan for introducing Martial Law in Poland
Permit regulations for Publications, Radio, TV, and Live Performances
Communications regulations during Martial Law
Militarization of Civil Unites and Augmentation of the Armed Forces
Freedom of movement of persons and interment under Martial Law
Possible radical military measures against Polish strikes and protests
Ministry of Internal Affairs Daily Report 2 - 22 September 1981
Ministry of Internal Affairs Daily Report 1 - 21 September 1981
Polish preparations for Martial Law
Cable - Background into the Polish imposition of Martial Law - December 1981
Cable - Soviet influence among the current Polish Leadership and Composition of the Council of National Salvation
Background to present situation in Poland and possible Soviet role
Cable - Possible Polish strategy during the present phase
Soviet pressure on Polish government to act against the Polish Church
Cable - Possible future phases of Martial Law
Cable - Contacts between Polish military and Politburo officials
Cable - Soviet penetration of the Polish military
Cable - Soviet pressure on Polish Leaders to impose Martial Law
Cable - Measures taken to ensure the reliability of Polish conscripts
Cable - Relationship between the Polish Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Cable - Comments on a recent photograph of the Polish Military Council of National Salvation
The Polish National Defense Committee
Transmittal of particularly sensitive report
Relationship between the Soviet Military representation to Poland and the Polish General Staff
Jaruzelski's attitude, behavior and style
'Hero or traitor' - Adam Michnik
O sprawie plk ryszarda -- Adam Michnik
US Intelligence and Polish Crisis, 1980-81
Thank you letter from Dariusz Jabloski to DCI Hayden for allowing presentation of 'War Games'