Rights Under the CAA

The Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) applies thirteen civil rights, labor, and workplace safety laws to Congress and its associated agencies.

Access to Public Services and Accommodations for the Disabled

Offices in the Legislative Branch must make their public services, programs, activities, and places of public accommodation accessible to members of the public who have a disability.

Age Discrimination

Employees 40 years old or older cannot be discriminated against in personnel actions because of their age.

Collective Bargaining and Unionization

Certain Legislative Branch employees have the right to join a union and collectively bargain with an employing office.

Disability Discrimination

Employees cannot be discriminated against in personnel actions because of a disability, and offices may be required to accommodate the special needs of a person with a disability.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Employees cannot be harassed or discriminated against in personnel actions because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Fair Labor Standards and the Minimum Wage

Employees must get paid at least the current minimum wage, and certain employees are entitled to overtime pay.

Family and Medical Leave

Employees are entitled to 12 weeks of leave from work for certain family and medical reasons.

Notification of Office Closings or Mass Layoffs

Employees are entitled to be given advance notice of an office closing or mass layoff.

Occupational Safety and Health

Workplaces in the Legislative Branch must be free of hazards that are likely to cause death or serious injury.

Protection from Polygraph Testing

With limited exceptions, employees cannot be required to take polygraph (“lie detector”) tests.

Uniformed Services Rights and Protections

Employees cannot be discriminated against for past or present duty in the “uniformed services,” and those who leave work to perform unformed service are entitled to be reemployed in their old job after a service obligation ends.

Veteran’s Employment Opportunity Act

The Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 (VEOA) gives veterans improved access to Federal job opportunities and establishes a redress system for preference eligibles in the event that their veterans’ preference rights are violated.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

Employees cannot be discriminated against and denied health insurance based on that employee’s genetic information.

For more information please refer to the Congressional Accountability Act and our CAA Handbook (PDF)