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Climate Data Stewardship

Interest in accurate and timely weather and climate observations has grown tremendously over the past decade. Applications range from managing multi-billion dollar economic weather risk for business and industry to understanding the impact of climate variability. Assuring data quality from the point of observation to the point of delivery is critical. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) plays a critical role in the collection, quality control, archiving, and dissemination of accurate, secure surface climate and weather observations. These data are used by the agency to fulfill its mandate to describe the nation’s climate and detect, monitor and predict climate variability and change, including characterization of socio-economic impacts. Customers consider NOAA the neutral broker” for climate data services.
The NWS establishes and maintains the observation networks and instrumentation, collects the preliminary data, makes that data available to users, and delivers the data to NESDIS’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), where it is quality-controlled, archived, and disseminated as final certifiable data to users in a variety of formats.

Data Collection

Image linking to Data Collection
Data Quality Control

Image linking to Data Quality Control
Data Dissemination

Image linking to Data Dissemination
"Assessing the past, predicting the future and delivering a local perspective on global climate today."

Our Vision
An engaged, responsive NWS that delivers state-of-the-art, timely, and reliable climate information and decision support services to help the Nation address environmental impacts.
Our Mission
To ensure NWS has the capacity to develop and deliver reliable climate services integrated with weather and water information through user engagement, policy development, data stewardship, incorporation of research into operations, training, education, and outreach in collaboration with partners.

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page Problems: Jim Zdrojewski
Page Last Modified May 26, 2009
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