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Title III Part B, Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program

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Funding Status

FY 2011

The Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, P.L. 112-10, was passed by Congress on April 15, 2011. It provides funding for the Department of Education for the remainder of Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2011. The FY 2011 appropriation for the HBGI program is $61,302,150, a reduction of $122,850 from the FY 2010 level. Reductions to individual awards for FY 2011, which will be determined using the program formula and institutional data, are expected to be minimal. More information...

FY 2010

Number of New Awards: 0
Average New Award: 0
Total New Award Funding: 0

Number of Continuation Awards: 24
Average Continuation Award: $2,559,000
Total Continuation Award Funding: $61,425,000

Total Award Funding: $61,425,000
Total Number of Awards: 24

FY 2009

Number of New Awards: 19
Average New Award: $1,702,000
Total New Award Funding: $32,335,000

Number of Continuation Awards: 5
Average Continuation Award: $5,233,000
Total Continuation Award Funding: $26,165,000

Total Award Funding: $58,500,000
Total Number of Awards: 24

FY 2008

Number of New Awards: 0
Average New Award: 0
Total New Award Funding: 0

Number of Continuation Awards: 18
Average Continuation Award: $3,161,000
Total Continuation Award Funding: $56,903,000

Total Award Funding: $56,903,000
Total Number of Awards: 18

FY 2007

Number of New Awards: 5
Average New Award: $5,270,000
Total New Award Funding: $26,350,000

Number of Continuation Awards: 13
Average Continuation Award: $2,428,000
Total Continuation Award Funding: $31,565,000

Total Award Funding: $57,915,000
Total Number of Awards: 18

FY 2006

Appropriation: $57,915,000
No new awards in FY 2006.

FY 2005

Appropriation: $58,032,000
Average Award: $3,224,000

FY 2004

Appropriation: $53,100,000

FY 2003

Appropriation: $53,415,000

FY 2002

Appropriation: $49,000,000

FY 2001

Appropriation: $45,000,000

Note: This is a noncompetitive discretionary grant program -- grants are distributed by formula to eligible institutions.

Title III, Part B of the Higher Education Act also includes the Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program.


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Last Modified: 07/01/2011