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Title III Part B, Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program

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Applicant Information

Review Process

Institutions designated as HBGIs must submit an application. Funds are allocated based on a statutory formula. HBGIs that are eligible for grants are specified in the program's authorizing statute.

FY 2012 Applications

Phases I and II of the FY 2012 application process for the HBCU Program have been completed. The archived Phase II application package and all necessary attachments can be retrieved below. Completed applications were submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment to, by 12:00 a.m. Washington, D.C. time on May 9, 2012. For any questions, please contact John Clement, HBCU Division, at or 202-502-7520.

Archived FY 2012 Application Package for HBGI and HBCU: download files Zip (578K)

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Last Modified: 07/10/2012