U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

For more information on Vendor/Commercialization Support, please contact:

Carlos Pachon
Technology Integration and Information Branch

PH: (703) 603-9904 | Email: pachon.carlos@epa.gov

Market Analysis


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Market analysis is used at all stages of product and business development, from conception and design through sales, delivery, and follow-up evaluations. It is used to predict the potential demand for a technology, determine the impact of competing or complimentary waste management approaches, and identify specific market segments and customers and their needs. Market analysis can help predict the economic viability of the product or service prior to development, as well as identify product-design features that customers need.

This section introduces a number of tools that can assist technology developers, suppliers, and investors define and quantify the market needs in a technology area, the pertinent market segments, and specific customers and their needs. The section is divided into resources on basic market analysis concepts and techniques, specific aspects of the domestic market for remediation and site investigation technologies, and specific aspects of the foreign market for remediation and site investigation technologies.

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