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NVLAP Accreditation Programs

Names of programs that are underlined are linked to program-specific webpages, which contain detailed information and document links for that program.


Calibration Laboratories

  • Dimensional
  • Electromagnetics - DC/Low Frequency
  • Electromagnetics - RF/Microwave
  • Ionizing Radiation
  • Mechanical
  • Optical Radiation
  • Thermodynamics
  • Time and Frequency


Chemical Calibration

  • Certifiers of Spectrophotometric NTRMs


Electromagnetic Compatibility & Telecommunications



  • Asbestos Fiber Analysis (PLM Test Method)
  • Asbestos Fiber Analysis (TEM Test Method)


Fasteners and Metals


Homeland Security Applications


Information Technology Security Testing


Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry


Personal Body Armor


Product Testing


Voting System Testing