U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

About the Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Technology Innovation and Field Services Division Staff Directory

TIFSD Immediate Office
Mailing Address:
U.S. EPA (5203P)
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

Jeff Heimerman, Acting Division Director (703) 603-7191 heimerman.jeff@epa.gov
Dana Stalcup, Acting Deputy Division Director (202) 564-2089 stalcup.dana@epa.gov
Vicky Boyd (703) 603-8733 spencer.vicky@epa.gov

Technology Integration and Information Branch
Mailing Address:
U.S. EPA (5203P)
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

Daniel Powell, Branch Chief (703) 603-7196 powell.dan@epa.gov
Michael Adam (703) 603-9915 adam.michael@epa.gov
Jean Balent (703) 603-9924 balent.jean@epa.gov
Kirby Biggs (703) 299-3438 biggs.kirby@epa.gov
Deana Crumbling (703) 603-0643 crumbling.deana@epa.gov
Steve Dyment (703) 603-9903 dyment.stephen@epa.gov
Cheryl Johnson (703) 603-9045 johnson.cheryl@epa.gov
Waleska Nieves (703) 603-8896 nieves-munoz.waleska@epa.gov
Carlos Pachon (703) 603-9904 pachon.carlos@epa.gov
Gary Turner (703) 603-9902 turner.gary@epa.gov
Kathleen Yager (617) 918-8362
(617) 918-8417 (fax)

Technology Assessment Branch
Mailing Address:
U.S. EPA (5203P)
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

Greg Gervais, Branch Chief (703) 603-0690 gervais.gregory@epa.gov
Alfonso Blanco (703) 603-0330 blanco.alfonso@epa.gov
Jim Cummings (703) 603-7197 cummings.james@epa.gov
Linda Fiedler (703) 603-7194 fiedler.linda@epa.gov
Ed Gilbert (703) 603-8883 gilbert.edward@epa.gov
Sara Hartwell (703) 603-8927 hartwell.sara@epa.gov
Michele Mahoney (703) 603-9057 mahoney.michele@epa.gov
John Quander (703) 603-7198 quander.john@epa.gov

Mailing Address:
U.S. EPA (5203P)
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

Melanie Hoff, Branch Chief (703) 603-8808 hoff.melanie@epa.gov
Charlie Appleby (703) 347-0266 appleby.charlie@epa.gov
Mike Johnson (703) 603-0266 johnson.michaels@epa.gov
Lori Maldini (703) 347-8834 maldini.lori@epa.gov
Shari Myers (703) 603-8848 myers.shari@epa.gov
Eric Reynolds (703) 603-9928 reynolds.eric@epa.gov
Les Szabo (703) 603-9149 szabo.les@epa.gov
Lucinda Taylor (703) 603-8818 taylor.lucinda@epa.gov
Keith Upah (202) 564-0870 upah.keith@epa.gov
Dominique White (703) 603-9093 white.dominique@epa.gov

Mailing Address:
U.S. EPA (101MS101)
2890 Woodbridge Avenue
Building 18, MS 101
Edison, NJ 08837

David P. Wright, Branch Chief (732) 321-6743 wright.dave@epa.gov
Harry Compton, Deputy Branch Chief (732) 321-6751 compton.harry@epa.gov

Mailing Address:
4220 South Maryland Parkway
Building D, Suite 800
Las Vegas, NV 89119

Dennisses Valdes, Deputy Branch Chief (702) 784-8003 valdes.dennisses@epa.gov

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Subject Matter Overview
1,4-Dioxane Linda Fiedler
Advanced Monitoring (21M2) Michael Adam
Arsenic Treatment Linda Fiedler
Bioremediation - Groundwater Kathleen Yager, Linda Fiedler, Ed Gilbert
Bioremediation - Soil Linda Fiedler
Brownfields Carlos Pachon, Jean Balent
Building the Technical Capacity of Small and Disadvantaged Businesses Carlos Pachon
Chemical Oxidation - In Situ Michael Adam, Ed Gilbert
Chromium VI Ed Gilbert
CLU-IN Social Media Initiatives Jean Balent
CLU-IN Website Jean Balent, Michael Adam
Conceptual Site Model Development Steve Dyment
Cost and Performance Jim Cummings, Linda Fiedler, John Quander
Data Management Michael Adam
Databases/Remediation Systems John Quander
Decision Support Tools Michael Adam, Carlos Pachon, Kathleen Yager, Steve Dyment
DNAPL Removal or Treatment Jim Cummings, Kathleen Yager, Linda Fiedler
Ecological Revitalization Michele Mahoney
Field Characterization Technologies Steve Dyment, Deana Crumbling
Field Support Software (e.g. Forms II Lite) Eric Reynolds
Fractured Bedrock Ed Gilbert
Global Efforts to Advance Remediation at Contaminated Sites Carlos Pachon
Green Remediation Carlos Pachon
Groundwater (Including treatment) Kathleen Yager, Linda Fiedler, Ed Gilbert
Internet Seminars Jean Balent, Michael Adam
Interstate Technology Regulatory Council Kirby Biggs, Linda Fiedler
Laboratory Analysis Eric Reynolds
Laboratory Electronic Data Deliverable (e.g. SEDD) and Data Review Tools Mike Johnson
Laboratory Quality Assurance Programs Eric Reynolds
Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Kathleen Yager
Manufactured Gas Plants Jim Cummings
Mass Flux Measurement Jim Cummings
Metals - In Situ Treatment Linda Fiedler
Mining Sites Michele Mahoney
MTBE Treatment Linda Fiedler, John Quander
Nanomaterials Greg Gervais
NAPLS (light and dense) Jim Cummings, Kathleen Yager
Natural Attenuation Kathleen Yager, Linda Fiedler, Ed Gilbert
Optimization Kathleen Yager, Kirby Biggs
Perchlorate John Quander, Linda Fiedler
Phytoremediation Linda Fiedler
Project Team Websites Jean Balent
Pump and Treat Kathleen Yager, Linda Fiedler
RCRA Technical Support Michael Adam
Sampling and Analysis, Sample Design Deana Crumbling, Steve Dyment
Site Characterization Technologies Deana Crumbling, Steve Dyment
Soil Vapor Extraction Optimization Jim Cummings
Soil Washing Jim Cummings
Solidification/Stabilization Linda Fiedler
Superfund Remedy Report Carlos Pachon, Linda Fiedler
Superfund Technical Support Steve Dyment
Surfactant or Cosolvent Flushing Linda Fiedler
SVE (with enhancements) Jim Cummings
TechDirect Jeff Heimerman
Technical Support Project (Groundwater Forum, Engineering Forum, Fed Facilities Forum) Linda Fiedler, John Quander, Kathleen Yager
Technology News and Trends John Quander
Thermal Desorption Jim Cummings
Thermal Treatment - In Situ Jim Cummings
TIFSD Outreach - Marketing Jeff Heimerman, Carlos Pachon
Training Carlos Pachon, John Quander, Gary Turner, Steve Dyment
Triad Support Deana Crumbling, Carlos Pachon, Steve Dyment
Vapor Intrusion Michael Adam
Vendor/Commercialization Support Carlos Pachon

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Other Web Sites Supported by the Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

The Training Exchange (Trainex)

The Training Exchange website (Trainex) is designed to provide a wide range of training information to EPA, other federal agency, state, tribal, and local staff involved in hazardous waste management and remediation. Trainex focuses on free training directed to federal and state staff. This site includes training schedules for deliveries of many courses, both classroom and Internet-based.

EPA works in partnership with organizations, such as the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC), and other agencies, such as the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), to offer training relevant to hazardous waste remediation, site characterization, risk assessment, emergency response, site/incident management, counter-terrorism, and the community's role in site management and cleanup.

Scribe: Environmental Field Data Capture

Scribe is a software tool developed by the USEPA's Environmental Response Team (ERT) to assist in the process of managing environmental data. Scribe captures sampling, observational, and monitoring field data. Examples of Scribe field tasks include Soil Sampling, Water Sampling, Air Sampling and Biota Sampling. Scribe can import electronic data including Analytical Lab Result data (EDD) and Sampling Location data such as GPS. Scribe supports handheld extensions, Scriblets, to capture and import sampling and monitoring data collected on handheld PDAs.

Superfund Analytical Services/Contract Laboratory Program (CLP)

The Analytical Services Branch (ASB), formerly the Analytical Operations/Data Quality Center, has broadened its mission and is responsible for managing the Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) for routine analytical services; developing new analytical services for other analyses such as dioxin and asbestos; providing quality assurance services for CLP and non-CLP data; developing and maintaining information technology (IT) tools for CLP and non-CLP data; and promoting field analytics and direct push technologies for sampling.

Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable

The mission of the Roundtable is to exchange information and provide a forum for joint activity regarding the development and demonstration of innovative technologies for hazardous waste site remediation. The exchange systhesizes the technical knowledge that Federal Agenices have compiled and provides a more comprehensive record of performance and cost. Members include major developers and users of these technologies: Department of Defense: U.S. Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Triad Resource Center Web Site

This web site serves as the official web site for the Triad approach. EPA and a multiagency partnership developed this web site to provide one-stop-shopping for Triad information, case studies, training opportunities, and news.

EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center

Coordinated through EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division, the Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center ensures that Brownfields decision makers are aware of the full range of technologies available to make informed or "smart" technology decisions for their sites. The Brownfields Center provides a readily accessible resource for unbiased assessments and supporting information on options relevant to specific sites. The Center also provides a technology-oriented review process for investigation and clean-up plans for these sites. The project also provides information about other available support activities, such as those conducted by the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program located at the five regional Hazardous Substance Research Centers. Direct support is available to EPA regional staff, state staff, and local governments.

For more information, please contact Carlos Pachon, Technology Integration and Information Branch, (703) 603-9904, pachon.carlos@epa.gov.

Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF) in 1992 to enhance the development and application of innovative hazardous waste characterization and treatment technologies. Eight self-managed RTDF Action Teams have formed over the years. The last Action Team was established in 2001 and several teams have completed, or are no longer actively involved, in field demonstrations of new technologies. Therefore, as of the end of June 2006, active maintenance of the RTDF web site will no longer be conducted. However, the web site, including all RTDF products, will be available until at least 2010 and minor updates will be made on an as needed basis.

EPA On-Scene Coordinators

This site is intended to be a tool to help streamline the work of OSCs and provide them a forum to share information and lessons learned with OSCs around the country.

U.S. EPA Technical Support Project

Provides technical assistance to Regional Remedial Project Managers, Corrective Action Staff, and On-Scene Coordinators. The Project consists of a network of Regional Forums and specialized Technical Support Centers located in ORD and the Office of Radiation Programs (ORP) laboratories, and OSWER's Environmental Response Team.

For more information, please contact Linda Fiedler, Technology Assessment Branch, (703) 603-7194, fiedler.linda@epa.gov.

State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners

The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners is made up of representatives of state governments with a formal program to address remediation of dry cleaner sites. The Coalition, supported by EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division, serves as a roundtable for discussion of issues related to cleanup of dry cleaner sites, with particular emphasis on the use of innovative technologies. Coalition members are developing and making available a variety of information to assist states in addressing the cleanup of drycleaner sites more efficiently and effectively.

Clean Up Technologies Area on EPA's Web Site

The Clean Up Technologies Area provides information about characterization and treatment technologies for the hazardous waste remediation community. It offers technology selection tools and describes programs, organizations, publications for federal and state personnel, consulting engineers, technology developers and vendors, remediation contractors, researchers, community groups, and individual citizens. Our goal is to create an information support net for all technology decision makers who address contamination of soil or groundwater.

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