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Superfund Research Program

The Superfund Research Program (SRP) is a network of university grants that are designed to seek solutions to the complex health and environmental issues associated with the nation's hazardous waste sites. The research conducted by the SRP is a coordinated effort with the Environmental Protection Agency, which is the federal entity charged with cleaning up the worst hazardous waste sites in the country.

The SRP is federally funded and administered by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, an institute of the National Institutes of Health 



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SRP Funding Opportunities

The Request for Applications for the Multiproject Center Grant (P42) was released November 15, 2012. The application deadline for the 2012 RFA for the Multiproject Center (P42) grants is April 10, 2013. For more information, please refer to the Multiproject Center Grants web page.

The Superfund Research Program Celebrates its 25th Anniversary

SRP 25th anniversity posterThe 2012 Superfund Research Program (SRP) national scientific meeting celebrated the 25th anniversary of SRP research and training to protect human health and the environment. The meeting was a showcase of the Program's contributions and a forum to discuss future directions.

To learn more and to view presentations from the meeting, visit the SRP Annual Meeting page.

To learn more about the history of the program and its research successes, check out the new SRP commemorative booklet (5MB) .

LSU and OSU Co-host Workshop to Improve Post-Disaster Communication

The Louisiana State University (LSU) and Oregon State University (OSU) Superfund Research Programs (SRP) co-hosted "Response, Recovery, and Resilience to Oil Spills and Environmental Disasters: Engaging Experts and Communities," a symposium and workshop for community stakeholders, researchers, and policy makers. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance communication between experts and citizens, encouraging better monitoring and sharing of information concerning local environmental conditions following disasters.

For more details, see our news page ("/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_contentid=32741&sys_revision=10&sys_variantid=1169&sys_context=0&sys_authtype=0&sys_siteid=&sys_folderid=" sys_dependentvariantid="1169" sys_dependentid="32741" inlinetype="rxhyperlink" rxinlineslot="103" sys_dependentid="32741" sys_siteid="" sys_folderid="").

Chen Attends International Global Mercury Meeting

Celia Chen, Ph.D., Dartmouth College Superfund Research Program (SRP) researcher and Research Translation Core leader, attended the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva, Switzerland in January of 2013. The purpose of this meeting, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), was to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC5).

For more details, see our news page ("/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_contentid=32741&sys_revision=10&sys_variantid=1169&sys_context=0&sys_authtype=0&sys_siteid=&sys_folderid=" sys_dependentvariantid="1169" sys_dependentid="32741" inlinetype="rxhyperlink" rxinlineslot="103" sys_dependentid="32741" sys_siteid="" sys_folderid="").

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