Full Service Community Schools Program

Current Section  Applicant Info
 Office of Innovation and Improvement Home
Applicant Information

Please Note: The grant information below is for historical information only. The competition is closed. Please continue to visit our site for future competition information.


  • Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: Closed July 23, 2010

  • Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: Closed September 21, 2010

  • Deadline for Peer Reviewer Application: Closed July 12, 2010

  • Pre-Application Meeting: Closed June 17, 2010

    Please note that the pre-application meeting MS PowerPoint presentation and handouts can be accessed below under subheading FY2010 Pre-Application Meeting Materials.

FY2010 Current Application
  • Full Service Community Schools Program application package for you to download and use as a guide only. download files MSWord (670KB)

  • Applications must be submitted electronically through the e-GRANTS system at http://e-grants.ed.gov/

  • Please do not e-mail an electronic copy of a grant application to us.

  • For printed applications contact:
    Education Publication Center (ED Pubs)
    P.O. Box 22207
    Alexandria, VA 22304
    Telephone (toll free): 1-877-433-7827, fax (703) 605-6794
    If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) you may call (toll free) 1-877-576-7734.
    Web site: http://edpubs.ed.gov/
    Email: edpubs@inet.ed.gov

Federal Register Notices

FY2010 Pre-Application Meeting Materials
  • FY 2010 Program Overview Presentation
    download files MS PowerPoint (872KB) | PDF (583KB)

  • Selected Key Provisions From Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) PART 75
    download files MS Word (40KB) | PDF (34KB)

  • EDGAR and OMB Circulars
    download files MS Word (32KB) | PDF (19KB)

  • FY 2010 Program Unallowable Expenses
    download files MS Word (33KB) | PDF (23KB)

  • Program At-A-Glance
    download files MS Word (53KB) | PDF (51KB)

  • Program Resources
    download files MS Word (49KB) | PDF (58KB)

Tips and Assistance

Technical Assistance: For technical assistance, please contact the Full Service Community Schools Program Staff.

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Last Modified: 10/12/2010