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National Professional Development Program

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In making new awards under the National Professional Development Program (NPD) for FY 2012, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) reviewed applications and funded a total of 73 new awards from the slate of unfunded applications submitted under the 2011 NPD competition. FY 2012 NPD awards total more than $24 million for professional development activities intended to improve instruction for limited English proficient (LEP) students and to assist education personnel working with such children to meet high professional standards.

download icon 2012 List of NPD Grantees: (MS EXCEL 61KB) 2012 List of NPD Grantees.

2011 NPD Funded Applications: A total of 276 applications were received by the closing date of the 2011 NPD discretionary grant competition. The 42 applications that were recommended for funding scored between 110 and 102. No application met Competitive Priority 1-Novice Applicants, 35 addressed Competitive Priority 3-Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. In addition, 7 applications addressed Invitational Priority 1-Improving Achievement and High School Graduation Rates and 28 addressed Invitational Priority 2-Improving Preparation of All Teachers to Better Serve English Learners.

download icon 2011 List of NPD Grantees (MS EXCEL 59 KB)

download icon 2011 NPD Abstracts (PDF 2.76 MB)

download icon 2011 List of Applicants (MS EXCEL 82KB)

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Last Modified: 09/25/2012