Fulbright-Hays--Group Projects Abroad Program

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Applicant Information


The Group Projects Abroad program oversees two competitions. Annual competitions are held for short-term seminars, curriculum development teams, and group research or study projects. Competitions are held every four years for advanced overseas intensive language projects.

Two FY 2012 competitions:

GPA Short-Term Projects
Last competition: FY 2012
Applications available: February 23, 2012
Deadline for transmission of applications: April 23, 2012

GPA Advanced Overseas Intensive Language Training Projects
Last competition: FY 2012
Applications available: February 23, 2012
Deadline for transmission of applications: April 23, 2012

Federal Register Notices

Current Application

FY 2012 Application (archived)

Please note that the FY 2012 competition for this program is closed. The archived application below should be used for reference only. All of the forms required to complete this package may not be available in this document; feel free to check the forms library.

  • FY 2012 Archived Application Package for the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program: download files MS Word (680K) | PDF (1.19MB)

Tips and Assistance

GPA Advanced Overseas Intensive Language Training (Foreign Language) Projects:

Materials for Potential Grant Applicants On April 7, 2011, the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program held a pre-conference workshop entitled, "Developing Strong Proposals for the Fiscal Year 2012 Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) Program." This was held at the annual National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL) Conference in Madison, WI for potential applicants interested in applying for international education grants, in particular the GPA Advanced Overseas Intensive Language Training grants in the Fiscal Year 2012 competition. This workshop covered topics such as the application process, requirements of the program, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and financial provisions, and addressed questions from the audience. Materials from the workshop are linked below.

Additional Information for GPA Foreign Language Projects:

GPA Short-Term Projects:

Webinar for Potential Applicants

On August 19 and 23, 2010, the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program held a Webinar for potential applicants interested in applying for grants in the Fiscal Year 2011 competition. This Webinar covered topics such as the application process, requirements of the program, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and financial provisions, and addressed questions from the audience.

Promising Practices for GPA Projects download files PDF (132K)

Sample Pre-Departure Orientation Agenda download files PDF (93K)

Sample Host Country Itinerary download files PDF (186K)

Successful Grant Application Narratives - Provides a small sample of funded grant proposals from 2008-11.

Financial Provisions

The grant does not provide funds for project-related expenses within the United States. Grant funds may be used only for the following:

  • a maintenance stipend based on fifty percent of the amount established by the U.S. Department of State;
  • round-trip international travel;
  • a local travel allowance for necessary project-related transportation within the country of study, exclusive of the purchase of transportation equipment;
  • purchase of project-related artifacts, books, and other teaching materials in the country of study;
  • rent for instructional facilities in the country of study;
  • clerical and professional services performed by resident instructional personnel in the country of study; and
  • other expenses in the country of study, if necessary for the project's success and approved in advance by the U.S. Department of Education.

Project Type Descriptions: Learn more about project features, timeframes, key personnel, and participant types for each project.

Application Contacts

GPA Advanced Overseas Intensive Language Training Projects:

Michelle Guilfoil
Room 6098, (202) 502-7625
E-mail: michelle.guilfoil@ed.gov

GPA Short-Term Projects:

Loveen Bains, Ph.D.
Room 6090, (202) 502-7709
E-mail: loveen.bains@ed.gov

U.S. Department of Education
International and Foreign Language Education
Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program
1990 K Street, N.W., 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20006-8521
Main Telephone: (202) 502-7700
Fax: (202) 502-7860


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Last Modified: 04/30/2012