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NWLON - water level

PORTS - real-time

OSTEP - Testing

NCOP - Currents

NOCMP - modeling

CORMS - monitoring

COASTAL - coastal services


Tides & Currents Programs

NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) has developed the following programs to support the marine community. Links are on the left side of the page.

NWLP/NWLON - National Water Level Program (NWLP) and the National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON). The NWLP is an "end-to-end" system of water-level data collection, quality control, data management and product delivery. The NWLON, which is part of the NWLP, consists of approximately 175 water-level measurement stations distributed along the U.S. coasts, in the Great Lakes and connecting channels, and in the U.S. territories and possessions. Of these 175 stations, 140 are considered "long-term control" and "primary" stations.

PORTS® - The Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System is a program of the National Ocean Service that supports safe and cost-efficient navigation by providing ship masters and pilots with accurate real-time information required to avoid groundings and collisions.

OSTEP - The Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program facilitates the transition of new sensors and systems to an operational status.

NCOP - The National Current Observation Program collects, analyzes, and distributes observations and predictions of currents to ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound maritime commerce and to support environmental needs such as hazardous materials response.

NOCMP - National Operational Coastal Modeling Program - The primary objective of the NOCMP is to develop a national network of Operational Nowcast and Forecast Hydrodynamic Model Systems to support NOAA's mission goals and priorities.

CORMS - Continuous Operational Real-Time Monitoring System -The primary function of CORMS is to ensure the availability and accuracy of the real-time data provided by CO-OPS for the purposes of ensuring navigational safety and protection of life and property. CORMS identifies invalid and erroneous data and information before real-time and near real-time users can apply them.

COASTAL - Coastal Oceanographic Applications and Services of Tides And Lakes - CO-OPS recently created its Coastal Oceanographic Applications and Services of Tides And Lakes (COASTAL) Program to partner with other agencies in the beneficial use of dredged material, coastal planning projects, marsh restoration projects, long-term sea-level assessments, storm surge monitoring, emergency preparedness, and new technologies.

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