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Diver in kelp forest Fort surrounded by sea Glacier flowing into bay Salt marsh and mossy trees Palm trees and ocean Sunset over rocks at seashore Coral reef

National Oceans Month

June: Think baseball, picnics, family reunions...and National Oceans Month?!

Really! Time to dive on a coral reef, witness the majesty of a towering glacier, cast for trophy-sized fish, or stroll along a remote barrier island with sand at your feet and blue waves on the horizon. From Alaska to the Atlantic, the Gulf Coast to the West Coast, and the Virgin Islands to the Pacific Islands, 85 national parks conserve beautiful landscapes above and below the waves.

Sea otters dive for urchins in kelp forests on the West Coast. Coastal glaciers and fjords offer a stunning backdrop to thousands of years of native traditions and tribal culture in Alaska parks. Salt marshes framed by barrier islands provide a haven for birds, fish, and wildlife along the national seashores. Shipwrecks, forts, and maritime museums tell stories of seafaring adventure and sacrifice. And the historical parks commemorate heroism by servicemen and women in wartime.

With more than 11,000 miles of coast and 2.5 million acres of ocean and Great Lakes waters, the national parks are the jewels of the coast. Discover remote shores or beautiful places in or nearby a major city.

Take it all in here...Learn about the oceans and Great Lakes, how the National Park Service is working to conserve and restore your ocean heritage, and how you can get involved.

Make a Splash

Ranger giving instructions on surf casting

From diving and snorkeling to fishing and boating, ocean and coastal parks offer activities for all interests. Learn more...

Immerse Yourself

Boy taking close look at sea star

Have you ever felt tiny sea star feet tickling your hand or looked closely at a sea cucumber? Explore animals, habitats, and more. Learn more...

What We Do

NPS staff surveying USS Arizona Memorial

NPS staff work hard to protect and restore ocean and coastal resources. Learn more...

What You Can Do

Three people collecting trash on beach

You can help protect parks too. Discover volunteer opportunities in parks across the country.
Learn more...

Last Updated: May 15, 2012