United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations

Application Forms & Mandatory Training

Image of trainees. Images are ©

The VA Form 10-2850d Application for Health Professions Trainees 

  • To be used by all residents and health professions trainees, whether Paid or Without Compensation (WOC).
  • To be used instead of VA Forms 10-2850, 102850a, 10-2850b and 10-2850c

The forms and mandatory training below are required for all health professions trainees

  • Additional forms may be required depending on your type of appointment
  • Any additional forms will be available through your local VA facility
Application Forms In Adobe Acrobat Form Numbers Required for...
Application for Health Professions Trainees

VA 10-2850d 

All Trainees

Declaration for Federal Employment

 OF 306 

All Trainees*

Appointment Affidavits
NOTE: Your signature on this form
must be witnessed by a Notary Public

SF 61 

All Trainees*

Request for Personal Identity Verification Card

VA Form 0711

All Trainees

Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions
(all trainees except physician residents) 

OPM's online e-QIP
Human Resources Staff
will provide directions

Trainees at VA for
Greater than 180 days
in aggregate **

Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions
(physician residents)

OPM's online e-QIP
Human Resources Staff
will provide directions

Physician Residents at a VA facility continuously
 for over 365 days***

VHA Mandatory Training for Trainees

Online Course

All Trainees

VA Rules of Behavior

Embedded in
Online Course above

All Trainees

* Department of Defense Trainees who are not paid by VA are exempt from completing Forms SF-61 and OF-306.

** OPM's online eQIP uses an online form that is completed by non-physician-resident health professions trainees who are appointed for more than 180 days in aggregate. Your local Human Resources staff will provide you with an access code and a link to eQIP if you are required to complete the online eQIP.

*** OPM's online eQIP uses an online form that is completed by physician-residents who have a greater than one year, continuous appointment and are at the VA continuously for greater than a year. Your local Human Resources staff will provide you with an access code and a link to eQIP if you are required to complete the online eQIP.