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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence

Military Affairs

What We Do

Critical Engagement Group

ADMA's Critical Engagement Group is focused on direct interaction with members of our armed forces. We reach out to military units preparing for deployment, meeting with their leadership to explain CIA's capabilities. We discuss the CIA/military relationship during scheduled courses at schools run by the individual DoD components. We participate as a full partner in established military exercises conducted worldwide, and when necessary we team up with a deploying unit to facilitate on-the-spot operational coordination and deconfliction.


Command and Coordination Group

ADMA’s Command and Coordination Group (CCG) provides support to major military command headquarters and combatant commands. CCG’s mission is emblematic of the ADMA motto “One Team, One Fight.”


Visitor Support Team

ADMA’s Visitor Support Team plans, coordinates and supports numerous DoD visits to CIA each year. The Visitor Support Team helps educate military personnel about CIA roles, missions, and capabilities by arranging CIA briefings and tours. These visits are critical for both shorter-term specific, substantive issues of joint interest to CIA/DoD, as well as for longer-term staff development to build enduring relationships, facilitate communication and increase knowledge within DoD of CIA capabilities.

Posted: Jun 06, 2011 01:44 PM
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2012 01:53 PM
Last Reviewed: Jan 26, 2012 01:13 PM